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15 Cheap And Fun Date Ideas Near Syracuse University

15 Cheap And Fun Date Ideas Near Syracuse University

Everyone wants a creative date over dinner and a movie and in college making sure you don’t break the bank is extra important. Here are some great date ideas near Syracuse University that are sure to be memorable without being expensive.

1. Order in Grilled Cheese.

Nibsy’s pub has delicious grilled cheese under $5. With only a $10 minimum it is perfect to get two grilled cheeses with fries, to enjoy while watching Netflix.

2. Go Ice Skating on campus.

Take the shuttle out to South Campus and go ice skating for free with your SU or ESF ID. All you have to pay for is skate rentals which is small fee.



3. Drive to Ithaca and hike the gorges.

Only an hour away from campus is Ithaca, home of gorgeous gorges. A personal favorite is Buttermilk Falls, perfect for a short getaway on a budget.

4. Go to a basketball game.

Most students love games anyway, but turning one into a date is great, especially if you want to see all sides of someone, because we all know what Cardiac Cuse does to people.


5. Star gaze on the hill in front of Crouse.

Laying in the grass (or snow) and staring at the stars is Rom-Com worthy. It also helps to have a great view of the city and a gorgeous building behind you. Rolling down or sledding down the hill can also add more fun.

6. Visit the kissing bench.

It is believed that when a couple kisses on the kissing bench they will get married one day, sit on the bench alone and you will never marry. All Cuse couples have to take an obligatory Instagram picture here, so turn it into a date.

7. Go to the State Fair.

If you are in Syracuse at the end of August go to the state fair. Take a romantic ride on the Ferris wheel and live out your cliche dream wishes.


8. Take a taxi to Putt-Putt.

In Fairmount you can play putt putt for $6! Perfect excuse to show (or hide) your competitive side.

9. Make a campus scavenger hunt.

Have your friends hide clues at different campus landmarks, and see how well you and your date know campus.

10. Take a yoga class together.

There are always free fitness classes offered on campus, find a way to relax while always laughing at your lack of flexibility. Super fun, and lets you get in a work out.



11. Attend a campus speaker or Concert.

There are lots of campus speaker under $10 so take advantage and show off your intellectual side.

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12. Binge watch a TV show.

Netflix is full of different shows and movies, laying in bed on one of our million cold snowy days and ordering in or bringing back a box from the dining hall is always great when it is too cold to go out.

13. Take a trip to Armory Square.

Take the campus shuttle down and explore the area. A nice change of scene with plenty of restaurants and  some nice bakeries.


14. Have a study date at club Bird.

Study, flirt and eat at the cafe. Perfect date for finals or someone from your class you want to get to know. The private study rooms give you some privacy and you can talk unlike Carnegie.

15. Have a picnic on the quad.

Take a blanket or a towel and lay out and enjoy the sun in the spring or fall. Even if you are just waiting for your next class this is a fun place to relax for free, except snacks are usually appreciated.


What are your favorite date ideas near Syracuse University? Comment below!
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