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15 Cheap And Fun Date Ideas Around Philly

15 Cheap And Fun Date Ideas Around Philly

There are so many different events, festivals, restaurants and sights to see that are perfect for date nights.These are perfect date ideas around Philly!
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Being in Philadelphia, Temple is surrounded by a ton of cool things to do. There are so many different events, festivals, restaurants and sights to see that are perfect for date nights. However, we can all relate to the struggle of wanting to do something fun, and not having the money to participate in the cool events. If you’re looking for cheap, fun date ideas around Philly, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 15 of the coolest, cheapest things to do for your next date night.

1. South Street

South Street is always cool, even if you’re just going to walk around, hang out, or grab something to eat. If you’re looking for cheap things to eat, check out Lorenzo and Son’s Pizza. Lorenzo’s offers the biggest slice of pizza you’ll ever eat, for only $3.50!


2. Reel Theatre

For a great movie night, look no further than Temple! Be sure to check the schedule to find out which movies are playing, and bring your Temple ID for a $2 movie ticket! If you’re brining your S/O from another school, they can still attend the movie for $4!


3. Ice Skating at Dilworth Park

The Rothman ice skating rink opens each winter by mid-November. For only $15, skaters get admission and a pair of rental skates to hangout by city hall for a beautiful night.


4. Spruce Street Harbor Park

If the winter season and the cold nights aren’t really you’re thing, you could wait for the spring time to hangout at Spruce Street Harbor Park. Eat some food, kick back in a hammock, or play giant games of chess, Connect Four, or Jenga! The best part? Park admission is free!


5. Graffiti Pier

Embrace your artistic side and head down to Graffiti Pier. Check out Philly’s unique display of street art, maybe get a chance to see artists create new additions, and embrace the wonderful smell of spray paint.


7. Art Museum

If you’re still feeling artistic, head over to the Art Museum! Admission with a student ID is $14, but if you mention that you’re in the Tyler School of Art, you will be offered free admission!


8. Rittenhouse Square

While the rest of the Rittenhouse area may be out of your price range, you can never go wrong in appreciating a beautiful day in the park. People watch, have a picnic, or just hangout and enjoy the city.


9. Sporting Events

You have a huge variety to choose from! Temple sports teams offer free admission to home games for any sport. Additionally, if you keep your eyes open, Temple offers students discounted Flyers tickets and Phillies game tickets!


10. Explore Manayunk

Manayunk is an extremely cool city to explore, eat and relax. There are tons of different shops and restaurants to check out. If you’re thinking of heading out there soon, make sure to check out the Manayunk Arts Festival!


11. Old City

Exploring Old City would make a great day. Experiences the city’s unique history, grab a cup of coffee and a bite to eat to start or end your day, as Old City is filled with a ton of unique and delicious places.

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12. Check out a new band

Philly is home to a ton of unique concert venues, including Union Transfer, the TLA, the Foundry, the Fillmore, and Festival Pier. It’s not always that bigger bands play these venues. If you’re looking for a new date night, and some new music to listen to, check out some of the up and coming bands, or even some of your favorite bands at the cool venues.


13. Magic Gardens

Another beautiful place to check out on South Street. Check out the beautiful outdoor museum that’s been so important to Philly’s history for years. The Gardens aim to promote originality and inspire new artists all around.


14. Tech Center Study Date

Totally free, and it totally makes your Tech Center death less stressful if you have a study buddy.


15. Richie’s

Do you even go to Temple if you don’t take your S/O to Richie’s? With all kinds of sandwiches, breakfast options, and the famous mozzarella grilled cheese, it’s the perfect place to hangout, eat, and enjoy one of the best food places at Temple!

Do you have any other suggestions for date ideas around Philly!? Share in the comments below!

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