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21 Celebrity Tweets That Will Make You Laugh Until You Cry

21 Celebrity Tweets That Will Make You Laugh Until You Cry

One of the best things about Twitter is the tweets that will make you laugh from celebrities! Read this article for funny celebrity tweets!

I have recently rediscovered the platform of Twitter in the midst of needing deeper content that would make me question all my philosophical values. You know, the Instagram food videos and celebs on yachts get boring after a while, so I found myself wondering what the people I followed thought in their spare time, the deep thoughts that made them question their existence and really pondered reflection. And Twitter did not disappoint! Celebrities have been on their A-game delivering quality tweets that will make you laugh. Here are 21 of those tweets that really changed my perspective.

And yes, Ryan Reynolds features in most of them.

The “Deadpool” star really knows how to express gratitude without being unrealistic. I’m sure his days playing Cops and Robbers with his child don’t come close to his beer pong days.


All jokes aside, I feel like my best chance at going pro was my dance dance revolution days when I battled my friends to “Boom Boom Boom” by Black Eyed Peas. So yes, let’s bring it back Lili.

I love middle aged women on social media, they are golden. Especially this gem where Seth Rogen’s mom broke society with a ground-breaking observation. Should we stick to the girl code and let them know? Should we mind our own business? Slide into Sandy’s dms and confirm the answer.

You know what, she does! Don’t tell me the little snitch doesn’t look like she would stab you in the back for a plate of vegan muffins.


His calls for activism are quite unique, but we love an aware citizen.

This is a blatant, ruthless attack on any woman over 45 who shares an album of inspirational quotes written over a sunset image. You can hear a woman called Karen crying somewhere in the West Coast. Jesus Cole, let’s take it down a notch.

Yes Kara, we all want to know. I’d also like to apply for the Oprah invitation.


I did not find the context for this tweet and I will not give you context. Please comment down below if you have any idea on what this may be in reference to. I’d like to sleep at night.

I mean, he’s not lying, as Scott Disick once pointed out, no one really knows what gluten is.

I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works Cole but don’t let someone behind a screen stop you from following your dreams! Not trying to assume your gender here.


Isn’t this really every girl who has more of an interest in how you remove gluten from bread than sports. I mean sure, some girls really understand athleticism, and the sporty field if you will, but some of us like to stick to these general comments that will save us in a sticky situation. I’m sure we have everyone fooled on our basketball knowledge.

I’m glad we’re finally addressing this and not turning a blind eye anymore. This has been happening for way too long and it’s about time we put a stop to women in sundresses and Asics. Let’s respect the countries we are visiting and show a little bit more of appreciation, if the people are sharing their culture with us, let’s not bring out the Asics and sundress combo.

This thread has taught me that my parenting skills will largely come from Ryan.


You see what I mean? A+ parenting skills.

Nice tweet in reference to the royal wedding, a great declaration of love to his wife as well, you can tell he had a great talk with her that night.

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I’m just going to leave this here.

Honestly I am amazed at the fact that he’s the first celebrity to come up with this idea. Just ask each one of your followers to send you a dollar, or maybe five and maybe you can surpass Bill Gates! Or a batch of Sprinkles cupcakes can also do, whatever, all I’m saying is that he could do this if he wanted to.

!!!!! Yes


Now this is the content I was looking for, I can’t help but think this pessimism is influenced by Mr. Moseby. (You better get that reference)

More bursting bubbles featuring the Sprouse twins. It’s nice to see Dylan sending out some sharp tweets as well, wouldn’t want any favoritism.

My favorite tweet from their engagement tbh. Very humbling, really keeps us all in check and remembering that we too can find love around the corner. Or at 30 feet from our destination. This is definitely one of those tweets that will make you laugh.


I’m very glad I have returned to the Twitter platform after many years. Tweets that will make you laugh like these give us hope as a nation for a better future and a generation of bright and thoughtful children who will one day lead us to greatness. Also, if you’re expecting a child soon you may want to ring Ryan.

What are some of your favorite celebrity tweets that will make you laugh? Let us know in the comments below!
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Author: Gaby Gramont