Celebrities With An Impressive IQ You Didn’t Know About

Famous people often dictate the way we look, they influence our style, preferences and sometimes even our opinion. Most of the time the public is aware of what Katy Perry or Lady Gaga wore at the last Met Gala or who is the man next to them, but their fans rarely know what they’ve studied at school or their favorite book. We are familiar with the movies our favorite actors played in, but do we actually know how smart they are, haw many languages they speak or if they were good at school? You would be surprised to see who are the hidden genius minds in the glam world of the rich and famous. Here are some of them:
James Franco
When we think about James Franco, we remember his movies and especially the numbers of comedies he played a lead role in. Very often we see him in the role of a stoner or a dummy, but in reality the star is actually a very intelligent man. His IQ is 130 and it’s known that only 5 percent of the population scores above 125 and apparently James is a rare one.
Natalie Portman
The star is one of the top Hollywood talents, but very few fans know that she is also very smart. Besides the fact that she is fluent in over five languages, her IQ is 140! She notoriously skipped the premiere of her film Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace to study for her high school finals. After that she studied psychology in Harvard University and has been published twice in scientific journals.
Nicole Kidman
Besides being one of the hottest women in Hollywood, Nicole Kidman is also very intelligent. Her IQ is 132 and that’s probably not a surprise considering the fact that her father is a biologist and her mom is a nursing instructor. Strong genes! She studies at the Victorian College of the Arts, then at the Phillip Street Theatre in Sydney along with her friend and college Naomi Watts. Later she attended the Australian Theatre of Young People.
This attractive singer is one of the most successful women in the music industry. She is well-known for her belly-dancing and song writing. But besides being an excellent dancer, an amazing singer and a hot bombshell, Shakira is also very smart. Her IQ is reported to be 140 and she also speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Catalan, Italian, and Arabic!
The icon and one of the biggest stars in the pop music scene has an IQ of 140, just like Shakira. She studied at the North Carolina School of the Arts, and also won a scholarship to study performing arts at the University of Michigan. Most people associate her name with her great hits and her scandalous behavior, especially at the beginning of her career, but very few fans know that she is also smart and has such a high IQ.
Ashton Kutcher
Ashton Kutcher is popular with his fun roles and his amazing acting skills. But did you actually know that his IQ is 160 which is the same as Stephen Hawking? He attended the University of Iowa with a planned major in biochemical engineering, but later he left school in order to follow the path of modeling and acting. His original career was to discover a cure for his twin brother Michael’s heart issues.
Sharon Stone
Sharon Stone is one of the hottest Hollywood actresses known for her provocative roles such as the lead character in ”Basic instinct”. But don’t let her pretty face and long legs fool you! That’s just on the surface. The actress is also a very intelligent woman and her IQ is 154 which is way above the average and almost the same as Ashton Kutcher and Stephen Hawking’s score.
Kate Beckinsale
Beckinsale is famous with a variety of roles. She is one of the prettiest actresses in Hollywood, but she definitely deserves credit for the capacity of her mind. At the beginning of her acting career she attended Oxford and it’s no surprise that the beautiful Kate has an IQ of 132! She reportedly knows English, Russian, French and German. A true beauty with a brain!