6 Celebrities Who Had Eating Disorders And How They Recovered

Eating disorders can be seen as a sensitive subject to talk about… but it doesn’t have to be. Talking about and becoming more aware about this ‘taboo’ topic is something we should all be doing. Most people have heard about people with one, have known someone with one, or know someone who has recovered from one. Here are some of our most favorite celebrities who had eating disorders and how they overcome that eating disorder…
Troian Bellisario
Everyone’s beloved Spencer from the infamous show Pretty Little Liars revealed in 2013 during an interview how during her teenage years, she suffered from anorexia. Having issues with socializing, acting like a normal teen and eating as much as she should meant the star was diagnosed with an eating disorder. In an attempt to overcome her disorder, Troian starred in the film Feed – a movie all about the issues of eating disorders – which helped her go face-to-face with her own battles.
Lily Collins
Endearing British actress Lily Collins is yet another star we didn’t know had battled and overcome an eating disorder. Again like Troian, Lily starred in the film To The Bone – a movie about a teenager suffering with an eating disorders. She then later went on to write her own book with a chapter talking all about her conquering this disorder. Playing roles in her work space meant there was no hiding from her disorder; allowing her to stand up to it and beat it. That’s why we all love you lily!
Zayn Malik
In Zayn’s new book, he reveals to all how during his time in boy-band One Direction he would occasionally skip meals, and overthink everything he was eating, and would at times go three whole days without eating a meal. Later admitting he just brushed it under the carpet and didn’t face the issue until he begin getting really ill and lethargic. Realizing this was in fact an eating disorder meant he could consciously make an effort to overcome these bad habits.
Hilary Duff
Who could have known as we were all so engrossed in watching repeat episodes of Lizzie McGuire, that Hilary was in fact dealing with an eating disorder during her younger years? Admitting she fell into a dark whole of eating less meant she had become “too thin” and admittedly “very unhealthy”. During her show takes, she would meet with her doctor to try to improve her health and weight.
Demi Lovato
Demi had been brought up being encouraged to participate in pageant shows, which she felt “pressured me into looking a certain way, lowering my self-esteem”. Her mother, who also suffered from an eating disorder, is why Demi believes she also had the same struggles. She knew she had to change her habits, lifestyle and disorder. Therefore, she visited rehabs to get her health back in order. She continues to stay on the right path by reminding herself “I have so much to live for”.
Jade Thirlwall
Little Mix‘s Jade has recently revealed how during her teenage years she was always in denial about her eating habits and the relationship she had with food. At the age of 13, she was hospitalized, which gave Jade the wake up call she needed. “I love my family too much to do that to them, and knew I had to do something about it, this is not a game”.