Celebrities And Fake Nose Piercings

Ever wanted to try a nose piecing but don’t want to deal with the permanent obligation, pain and fear of getting bitched at by your parents? Thankfully everything can be faked nowadays, including fake nose piercings. The most faux piercing out there is a fake septum piercing. Needless to say, if you’re someone who wants to give the nose piercing look a go, it can be achieved. After all, piercings aren’t as permanent as tattoos. In fact, several celebrities have been spotted rocking a fake nose piercing: Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Zoe Kravitz, Zendaya, FKA Twigs are just a few. If you’re thinking about going for the real deal, here are a few things you need to know.
Luckily these fake piercings have a variety of options. You can go for the trendier septum piercing or a fake nose piercing that is a simple stud/hoop. Purchasing fake piercings is easy thanks to the internet. They come in a variety of different colors as well. Personally, I’d opt for fake nose stud or hoop. However there are faux bohemian septum sets, fake nose hoop rings, fake lip ring options and magnetic nose rings. You name it, it’s out there. Fake nose piercings are everywhere. Claire’s has a wide selection of false body jewelry and fake piercings you can purchase. Take a look at a few of these fake nose piercing looks rocked by celebs.
Zendaya Fake Nose Piercing
Zendaya rocked the look back in 2014. She is the queen of experimenting with fashion statements and knows how to rock and temporary piercing look. Of course she rocked the popular septum piercing that has since gone viral.
Gigi Hadid
Models aren’t really allowed to do anything too permanent to their face – as I’m sure you can guess why. Gigi recently posted a photo of her back in 2015 rocking a septum piercing. Everyone initially thought she had taken the plunge but it turns out it was a clip-in piercing for her photoshoot. Can’t lie, she rocked it.
Kylie Jenner Fake Septum Piercing
Kylie Jenner is another one of those girls who isn’t afraid of making bold changes to her look. Whether it’s wigs or hair colors, she’s figured out the temporary beauty looks that work for her. Dare I say Kylie Jenner and the fake septum piercing wasn’t her best look. It was for her cover shoot for Elle Canada.
Rihanna rocked the fake bohemian septum piercing. Seriously, this elaborate fake nose ring looked amazing on her. Fake bohemian rings are accessible here.
Jessica Biel Fake Septum Piercing
This was a startling fake nose piercing that truly looked amazing on her. The MET Gala is known for being a time to experiment with bold fashion statements. In 2013 Biel rocked a fake nose piercing. It was a seriously phenomenal moment for the star. She looked outstanding. You can get a fake septum ring like Biels here.
Let us know what you think about fake nose piercings in the comments below!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com

Hi, I'm Leah, a Los Angelino living in Boston! I'm a grad from Northeastern University with a Bachelors from the College of Arts, Media and Design. I'm obsessed with going on adventures, photography, writing, being a Taurus and finding hidden gem restaurants, musicians and places to travel. I live for tacos and you can't keep me away from a cute farm stand. I also live for Instagram ... oops!