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20 Signs You Went To CB South High School

20 Signs You Went To CB South High School

Every high school has memories and experiences that only those students can relate to. Here are the 20 relatable signs you went to CB South High School!

Every high school has memories and experiences that only students who went there can relate to. Are you a CB South alum or current student? Then you will definitely relate to these 20 signs you went to CB South High School!

1. The pasta line, need I say more?

If you bought lunch often, you knew that one of the best things you could get from the South cafeteria was the pasta. Even though the line always took forever and you probably had 10 minutes left of lunch to eat your meal, it was totally worth it.

2. The parking lot at 2:30

2:30 was the best and worst time of your day. Although you were done school, it was a whole new hellish journey to try and get out of the parking lot and finally get home. A week didn’t go by where there wasn’t an accident.


3. Paying an outrageous $100 to have a parking spot

You never understood who thought $100 was a reasonable price for broke teenagers to pay for a parking spot. The worst was the people who didn’t pay for a spot, but still parked anyway. And then you always envied your friends who went to other schools and paid $20-$50 for their spot. Where does that $100 per student even go? Not towards two-ply toilet paper that’s for sure.

4. Roe

Mr. Rohrmiller, aka Roe, was a friend to everyone no matter who you were. It was great to be able to pass him in the hall or see him at lunch and always have a familiar face to say hi too. His life saver mints were also a life saver.

5. Mr Pecic

Libraries are known for all the great information they hold inside of them, and Mr. Pecic was part of that. South’s librarian was by far one of the coolest, nicest, and smartest people you’d meet inside of that building. He always knew the perfect book to recommended and was great with money or college advice, which was super helpful in the long run.


6. Naviance

Three words to describe Naviance: waste of time. You were required every year to always do some sort of assignment through Naviance and it didn’t really help many people. It was complicated just to log on and get to the assignment. Once you found it, you put minimal effort into the task.

7. Terrible phone service

Your service was all over the place. It doesn’t matter what phone company you had, you either had LTE or no service at all. Many resorted to using a VPN finder in order to have any kind of service since, let’s be honest, even the school’s wifi sucked.

8. You had your fair share of teachers

Throughout your 3 years at South, you had some of the most amazing, passionate, life changing teachers and you also had teachers that made you question who hired them in the first place. It was always the worst leaving your favorite teacher’s class and then getting stuck with an awful teacher. But hey, that’s high school!


9. You lived for Friday night football games

One of the best parts of most high schools, but especially at South, were the Friday night football games. No matter how good or bad our team was doing, most of the school would get DECKED OUT in what ever the night’s theme was and go to cheer for our school. The themes were always so fun, whether it was blackout, neon, toga, or everyone’s favorite…

10. FTB!!

If you went to South the FTB (CB South vs. CB West) football game was always a great game. The theme which involved lots of camo, neon orange, and the occasional ghillie suit was loved by everyone. The best part of FTB was having to tell your parents and oblivious teachers that “FTB” stood for “For The Boys”. It was always a great night for everyone that went. Rain, snow, or below freezing temperatures, you’d always go and support your team at FTB!

11. You were always out of breath after walking from the first to third floor

The only down side to having a big school is all the stairs. When you got your schedule and saw that you had a class on the first floor and the next class on the third floor, the only thing you thought about was “How will I make it there in 5 minutes?!” and “Once I get there I’m going to be dead!”


12. You never used your locker

Lockers? South has lockers? Of course, everyone knew South had lockers since they take up the majority of the hallways, but have you ever seen anyone use them before? Since the school is so big and you only have four classes, there is absolutely no point in dealing with the hassle of a locker.

13. You thought your school was better than East/West even though they thought you were irrelevant

Since South was only recently built in 2005, we always thought we were the best. But East and West, on the other hand, have been around for who knows how long and have a deep rooted rivalry between the two schools. Therefore to them, we were, and still are, irreverent (no South student would ever agree with that though). 

14. Your school looked like a ski lodge

People always told you that the inside of your school looked like a ski lodge or an airport and they weren’t wrong. Across the ceiling, there were weird wooden beams that look really cool and nice, but it doesn’t really look like a school.

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15. Sports were pretty intense and the teams were usually really good

If you were on a sports team it was definitely super competitive and probably really good in South’s division too. Most of the coaches were also really annoying, but who ever really likes their coach? If you were involved in sports it was definitely a huge part of your life in high school and regardless of what season you played in, it was probably still a year round sport. Most teams went pretty far into playoffs too, most winning their conference or even league.

16. There were some pretty talented people in your school

South had a lot of really talented people whether it was in sports, theater, choir, art, the classroom, or any other extracurricular. We always had something amazing that could set us apart from other high schools.


17. Homework, homework, and more homework

All the teachers always told you that they were “preparing you for college” but hello, we’re still in high school! Please stop giving college level work.

18. Forum

Oh yes, forum. The weird homeroom that you had at 9 am every day with the same group every year. That was always a nightmare to try and explain to anyone from a different district. Your forum was supposed to grow into a family over the course of your three years at South and it was crazy to see that happen with some forums. Most forums were just like any other group of people, little cliques formed and that’s basically who you talked to every day.

19. The mural

No matter how dumb you thought it was at first (or still think it is) it’s pretty cool that we had a mural that represented our entire school. The best part was that actual CB South students painted it which proves number 16. We had a lot of really talented people in our school.


20. High school was actually fun

Some may say that their 3 years at South were the “best years of their life.” Between prom, football games, MiniThon, Titans connect, black vs. blue, clash of the Titans and many other amazing events, they always brought us closer together as a school. For recent graduates (like me), moving off to college makes you realize how much you’re actually going to miss south, no matter how badly you wanted to graduate. Everyone’s three years were different. They had different friends, different experiences, different clubs, and different classes, but we will all remember our years at South in some relatable way.

What are other relatable signs you went to CB South High School!? Share in the comments below!

Featured Image: weheartit