15 Cat Cowboy Hat Pictures That Will Melt Your Heart

As we’ve seen in the past, cats tend to make viral history; last week it was cat bunny ears. Thankfully the Internet is a happening place so subjects like cats playing the keyboard or cat-bunnies are welcoming of more viral cat topics. This week we’ve been blessed with a festive cat topic: cat cowboy hats. This just might be my favorite cat-astrophy to go viral. Check out these 15 cat cowboy hat pictures; it’s bound to make your heart melt, I assure you.
1. Model Cat Cowboy Hat
2. Sheriff Cowboy Hat Wearing Cat
3. Cowboy Hat Wearing Kitty
4. The Ugliest Cowboy Hat Wearing Cat Ever
Honestly, why bother. Last week you tried to make a Siamese cat look cute with bunny ears and now this? Sorry but your cat cowboy hat wearing days aren’t any more of a success.
5. Cat Admiring Another Cat Wearing A Cowboy Hat
6. Priss Wearing A Cowboy Hat Cat
Does he wish he was a Dalmation, cheetah or cowboy? Not sure but we will accept it because this cat is fierce.
7. The Cat Who Looks The Part
This cat cowboy hat picture is doing it for me. I’m not sure if this cat is supposed to be a ranger or riding a horse but it works. The specs are a nice touch. This photo does look professionally done in a studio so I am a bit concerned.
8. Lopsided Cowboy Hat Cat
This cat cowboy hat picture is dope – I love a disheveled looking outfit. Must be a chill cat if he can rock his cowboy hat lopsided. Keep it real cat.
9. Cat In A Cowboy Hat Cat
Whoa, it’s an inception moment. A cat inside a cowboy hat wearing a cowboy hat. No wonder he’s got a look of surprise on his face.
10. Drunk Cowboy Hat Cat
Looking a little sick there bud. Riding the horse got you feeling some type of way?
11. The Perfect Getup Cowboy Hat Wearing Cat
12. Red Cowboy Hat Cat
13. Rebel Cowboy Hat Cat
What are you? A pie eating Iron Man cat with a cowboy hat?
14. Freddy Kreuger Cat
‘Tis the season cat.
Let us know what you think about these cat cowboy hat photos?! Click here for more cats in cowboy hats.
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com

Hi, I'm Leah, a Los Angelino living in Boston! I'm a grad from Northeastern University with a Bachelors from the College of Arts, Media and Design. I'm obsessed with going on adventures, photography, writing, being a Taurus and finding hidden gem restaurants, musicians and places to travel. I live for tacos and you can't keep me away from a cute farm stand. I also live for Instagram ... oops!