Campus Resources Every ASU Student Should Know

1. Online, In Person, Private, And Group Tutoring
Any time, any way you want it – if you’re an ASU student, they have it for you!
2. First And Second Year Success Coaching
This is a helpful time to talk to actual students and learn from them, and have them help you connect to other people on campus to help you learn about all the amazing resources on campus (FYI if you are an engineering major, you have a person on your dorm floor who helps out with all of that instead).
3. Free Access To Wolfram Alpha Pro And Mathematica
Get it through your My Apps on My ASU, along with a bunch of other awesome software that can be helpful for your major!
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4. Access To Computers With Helpful Software Specific For Your Major
They leave rooms unlocked in certain buildings so that students can use the computers anytime to do work with the expensive software, only on specific computers on campus.
5. Access Codes To Rooms
You can use these codes to gain access to rooms on campus, and use the materials in them to help you study. For example, you can use minerals to study if you are a geo major like me, or models of engines and structures for other majors.
6. Grad School Prep
They offer free courses to prepare for big exams like the LSAT.
7. Career Services And Career Link
This online source shows all hiring jobs on campus. It can connect the student with internship opportunities and upcoming career fairs, plus other opportunities for finding a job!
8. Disability Resources
If you are disabled permanently in any way, or if you have a broken bone or some temporary disability, this is an excellent resource to use. They have DART carts all over campuses to deliver you to class on time if you need it, and many other amazing things to help you out!
9. Safety Escort Service
This is amazing for anyone on their way home late at night! You can have an escort personally take you home safely, or you can have the app and have them monitor your whereabouts and spring to action if something does happen. ASU has a lot of police officers available to help at all times of the day!
10. Inter Campus Shuttle
This is awesome if you want to explore other ASU campuses like Poly or Downtown! It is always nice to explore what they have, go to sporting events on other campuses, and participate in homecoming activities!
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11. President Crow’s Twitter
You can ask him questions, stay up to date with the latest news, and suggest anything you want to improve or be on campus! Adding ASU social media is a great idea to get the latest news with sporting events, events on campus (free swag), and special deals and activities like the on-campus farmers market!
Know any other campus resources every ASU student should know? Comment below!Featured image source:
A Junior at Arizona State University Tempe Campus Pursuing a degree in Geological Sciences. She loves to hike, paint, and explore new places.