Campus Life

After the arguments my parents made against me when I asked to join a sorority at UF, they couldn't have been more wrong. Here's 5 reasons you SHOULD join.
5 Reasons To Join A Sorority At UF

“No, all you’re going to do is party.” “No, you will be fine without joining…

I'm so excited to attend the University of Kentucky. Keep reading to find out why I'm so excited to finally call myself a part of the Big Blue Nation.
5 Reasons I’m Excited To Start At University of Kentucky

The number of times I’ve been asked why I’m so excited to attend the University…

Who else gets used to constantly being asked if everyone at their school is a lesbian. Keep reading for 20 signs you went to an all girls private school.
20 Signs You Went To An All Girls Private School

We all know the struggle of not knowing how to dress yourself and not being…

With more than a dozen colleges, there are things that at least most, if not all of us, have in common. Here are signs you went to college in Washington DC.
10 Signs You Went To College In Washington DC

With more than a dozen colleges in or by Washington D.C., it’s impossible to list…

10 People You’ll Always Run Into At Chapman University
10 People You’ll Always Run Into At Chapman University

As a college student, we all have stereotypes that we see, make fun of, and…

You will meet more people during your first few weeks than you believed was possible. Check out the top 10 people you meet the first week of college.
10 Types Of People You Meet The First Week Of College

There are numerous emotions flying around during the first week of college. You’re wondering which…

Being a Duck isn't always just fun and games and tailgate parties. Get ready for ten GIFs that'll let you know what being a UO student is really all about.
10 GIFs That Describe What It’s Like To Be A Student At UO

The University of Oregon is known for our football team and the number of Californian students…

The long awaited day of freshmen orientation has finally arrived. Take a look at the 10 things you'll regret not doing at orientation.
10 Things You’ll Regret Not Doing At Orientation

The long awaited day of freshmen orientation has finally arrived. Your outfit was picked out…

16 Pictures That Will Make You Wish You Were Starting School At UConn Tomorrow

Some of these pictures of UConn are of student life and some of the activities…