Campus Life

10 Spring Semester Tips You Need To Keep In Mind
10 Spring Semester Tips You Need To Keep In Mind

The countdown to summer begins! Spring semester is a great time to correct the mistakes…

Penn State is known for football and ice cream, but there are so many other things that make it so unique. Here are 10 things that will 100% happen to you at Penn State.
10 Things That Will 100 Percent Happen To You At Penn State University

Penn State is most known for its insane parties, outstanding football team and Berkey Creamery…

Boston University is a huge school, but there are some things that unite even the most unique of us Terriers. Here, have 20 of 'em!
20 Signs You Go To Boston University

Boston University. Home of the scarlet and white. Whether you love it or hate it,…

Going to school in a big city is the best for so many reasons, and every student should experience it at least once in their lifetime.
Why Going To School In A Big City Is The Best

Where you chose to go to school not only determines your academic career, but also…

Take a peak at these true and honest signs you grew up in Delaware! From certain local spots to castles in town to town rivalries, we have you covered.
10 Things That Totally Suck At University Of Delaware

Students at the University of Delaware know that it’s the best university. We love our…

The kind of things that will happen to you while you are at New York University. What sorts of things have happened to you?
10 Things That Will 100 Percent Happen To You At New York University

If you’re a student at New York University, then you’ll definitely be able to relate…

Kutztown University is attended by people from all over. Here are 8 types of people you'll meet while attending Kutztown University.
The 8 Types Of People You’ll Meet At Kutztown University

Right in the middle of eastern Pennsylvania, you’ll find Kutztown University a college with a…

Are you thinking about making Loyola your school? Here's a list of things to consider according to a senior at Loyola.
10 Reasons Why Loyola University Chicago Is The Best School On Earth

If you clicked into this article, you’re probably considering attending Loyola. I won’t bullshit you.…

Between a wild sylly weeks and a campus that looks straight out of Harry Potter, Syracuse University has it all. Here's why you should choose to Go Orange!
20 Reasons Why Syracuse University Is The Best School On Earth

Syracuse University is unlike any other school, from its raging nightlife to its overpowering school…

This article provides ten places to get study snacks around the University of Delaware campus for the week of final exams.
10 Places To Get Study Snacks For UD’s Finals Week

Finals week is the most stressful point in the semester, and it is approaching fast…