Campus Life

You Know You Go To UCF When…

You Know You Go To UCF When…

University of Central Florida is a unique school with a rich history, an ultra-diverse student body, and its own little…

8 years ago

14 Things Everyone Should Do Before They Pick A College Major

For any high school graduate the most dreaded question is now being asked; what are you studying in college?  For…

8 years ago

15 Famous Alumni From ASU

I don't often go to school with celebrities, but when I do it's at Arizona State University! These famous people…

8 years ago

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To Iowa State

Iowa State University is one hell of a school, and I'm absolutely in love with my home away from home. Here's…

8 years ago

20 Signs You’ve Been In Gainesville Too Long

Summer has started and while some Gators have remained in the swamp most of us have returned to our rightful…

8 years ago

15 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started The College Process

Before entering college it is easy to fall in the slide of "senioritis", but there are a few more things…

8 years ago

Everything You Need To Know About Mental Health Resources At Auburn

When you go to college it can be hard. There are a lot of changes you may not expect to…

8 years ago

10 Ways Kris Jenner Would Make A Great House Mom

Every sorority house needs a strong, supportive house mom to keep everything running smoothly. The perfect candidate for the job is…

8 years ago

What Exactly Happens At Freshman Orientation At UofA

As the start of school  gets closer, we start heading out to orientation. Schedules, CatCards, New Friends, YAY! It's all…

8 years ago

5 Best Ice Cream Combinations At Spill The Beans In Clemson

Okay lets get real for a minute. The world revolves around good ice cream (or at least mine does). Like…

8 years ago