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6 Campus Ghost Stories That Will Give You Chills

6 Campus Ghost Stories That Will Give You Chills

These campus ghost stories are chilling. These famous haunted campuses have serious scary stories to tell. Good-lick reading these famous scary stories!

With Halloween just around the corner, everyone is getting excited for Pumpkin Spice, Costumes, and best of all, Ghost Stories! Supernatural tales of deceased professors and possessed students keep many college students on the edge of their seats, wondering if their own schools have horrors of their own. Here are 6 Campus Ghost Stories that are bound to give you the chills, the creeps, and that overall spooky feeling we all love.

1. Ohio University

Ohio University is supposedly the most haunted campus in the United States and it is truly terrifying! In the 1970’s, a young, female student began behaving oddly in Wilson Hall’s room 428. She began speaking in a weird language before throwing herself out of the room’s window, plummeting to her death. As incidents continued to increase, the room was sealed shut. A psychiatric hospital was also torn down on campus after various haunting reports surfaced.Real Paranormal Experiences reports that “it is said that she [the young, female student] drew on the power of the room [428] one night. She wanted to astral project or speak with the dead, but somehow this resulted in her violent and bloody death. Some stories say that she slit her wrists.” More on the Ghosts of  Ohio University.

2. Flagler College

In the 1880s, Henry Morrison Flagler built the Ponce De Leon hotel in St. Augustine. Supposedly, one of his mistresses hung herself on the fourth floor and continues to haunt people today. Other sources claim Flagler himself haunts the lobby, the location of his funeral. In 1968, Flagler College took ownership of the hotel. Now a part of the college, Ponce De Leon Hall is subject to supernatural gossip. According to the students, the fourth floor was kept off limits and Henry Flagler has made himself known during tours.


One staff member described her experience at Ponce De Leon Hall in an interview with Odyssey, “Every time I said his [Henry Flagler] name, the lights would flicker. A guest pointed this out to me, so I said his name one more time. As I said his name, the light above his painting went out. Guests were so scared they actually walked out of the tour.” There are more Ghosts of Flagler College you can check out!

3. Gettysburg College

Gettysburg College was built in 1832 and during the Civil War, specifically during the battle of Gettysburg. Pennsylvania Hall was turned into a military hospital. In the late 1960’s, the administrators took an elevator to the first floor but were delivered to the basement instead. What they saw was not a typical basement, but rather an 1860’s hospital. According to ThoughtCo, “Dead and dying men were lying about on the floor; blood-covered doctors and orderlies were rushing about chaotically, trying desperately to save their lives. No sound emanated from the ghastly sight, but both administrators saw it clearly.” Here are plenty of other stories on Gettysburg.

4. University of Georgia

At the University of Georgia, two sorority houses are home to two heartbroken spirits. At Alpha Gamma Delta in the late 19th century, Susie Carithers hung herself in the loft after believing she had been left at the altar; the devastated groom was actually just running late. At Phi Mu, students reach out to Anna Hamilton via Ouija Board. Her fiancé was said to have been murdered and buried in the front yard of the home, leaving Miss Hamilton to haunt the grounds by herself, heartbroken.


According to Matthew Head’s research, “There is no record of his [Miss Hamilton’s Fiancé] death and no tombstone has been found.  A cross of light is often seen on the spot where Harris was shot, and some sorority members have heard the sounds of a woman crying on the first floor, only to find no one around. More on the Ghosts of the University of Georgia:!topic/alt.folklore.ghost-stories/NfRzghigwhg

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5. Kenyon College

Kenyon College is home to the “Gates of Hell.” Supposedly, anyone that walks through the college’s gates at midnight, as the bells of the local church ring, risk being sent straight to hell. Other supernatural stories include the Greenhouse Ghost and the nine students who were burned alive in a fire in 1949. According to the Kenyon College Alumni Bulletin, “the dance studio used to be Shaffer Pool, which was nicknamed ‘The Greenhouse’ because its glass roof. The ‘Greenhouse Ghost’ is said to be the ghost of a Kenyon student, or possibly an Air Force cadet during World War II, who died there in a diving accident. This supposedly led to the removal of the diving board. One version has him bouncing too high, shattering the roof, breaking his neck, and drowning.” Check out more Kenyon ghost stories.


6. California State University Channel Islands

Despite being a relatively new school, California State University Channel Islands [CSUCI] is home to large paranormal activity. Before it was a university, the grounds belonged to Camarillo State Hospital, one of the most notorious mental institutions in the nation. Over the past century, over 1000 patients passed away, some to neglect and others to illness. Shock therapy was supposedly used often to cure mental illnesses. Paranormal investigators and film crews for supernatural shows, like X-Files and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, have visited the campus.

According to, the construction crew who worked on summertime renovations at the university, reported missing or moved tools. Many quit their jobs beacause of the haunted feeling they felt. Students have been known to feel cold spots and experience disorientation while walking to class. You can find more on CSUCI from

Have you heard any of these campus ghost stories?! Drop us a line!!
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