Choosing where you want to go to university is one of the biggest and toughest decisions you’ve probably ever made so far. It’s the hassle of applying, worrying about your grades, whether you want to move away or not, how will you survive if you do, managing the course load, and just generally trying to survive on coffee and campus food. But after the joys of the acceptance letters and the tears after realizing the cost of tuition you begin to adjust to the flow of university. Every university is different and soon you learn all the little nuisances and quirks of the school you will call home for the next 4 (or 6 for Con-Ed students) years. Glendon College is no different, and if you’ve ever been part of the student body at this gorgeous campus I’m sure you’ll be able to relate to these 10 signs that you’re a Glendon student.
1. You understand the struggle of trying to explain to friends and relatives where you go to school.
The question you’re asked at every family function, every time you meet someone new, or run into that classmate you hated in high school- “So where do you go to school?”. You sigh and begin the process of explaining where you’re studying. No, it’s not York University. It’s Glendon. And no, it’s not only for fluent French speakers.
(Though sometimes you may end up giving up and just saying you go to York in defeat.)
2. You and everyone else are sick of the overpriced caf food and the lack of delicious but affordable places to eat.
We’re not even asking for a good Instagram-worthy food spot, that’s also within walking distance. Just something with more student friendly prices and not all the way down by College Station. Is that too much to ask? I mean, why would you charge me 6 bucks for an okay burger when I already pay 7+ grand in tuition?
3. You always brag about the fact that Drake is building his new mansion right beside campus.
Yes, Drake is basically our neighbour. You probably secretly hope to one day run into him at the gym and get to snap a quick selfie to post on Instagram and make everyone who ever made fun of you for going to Glendon jealous.
4. You always get so happy when someone actually knows anything about Glendon.
Yess! Finally! Oh the joy of finding someone who actually knows something (or anything really) that is relevant about Glendon! Good job! Thanks for not being ignorant.
5. You love scaring people with stories about the haunted mansion.
It’s part of the Glendon tradition to scare all in-comers with tales of the haunted mansion and the lady in white who haunts the gazebo. It gives Glendon a nice edge.
(Photo by Kathleene Sim – @simk001)
Sometimes though, when leaving that 6-9 pm lecture you’re not so sure these are just tales…
6. You still marvel at how beautiful the campus is all year round.
I mean come on. How many people can boast of a campus that looks this good no matter the weather?
7. The 99 Stairs of Doom
Enough said. If you’ve ever had to park on the lower lot, or you love going to the gym you know the major struggle the trek up these stairs is. Especially after leg day.
8. You have learned to deal with the girl-guy ratio.
Glendon is known for being the arts and humanities campus. It’s also known for its high girl-guy ratio. Basically, this is great if you’re a dude. Not so great if you’re a gal. If you’re a girl this means that among the gay, taken, and no-good guys your chances for finding a bf are quite slim. #foreveralone
9. You dread the Tim Horton’s line every morning.
But it’s the only coffee place on campus so you take your place in line even if that means being late to your 9 am lecture. Plus, you learn to love the sweet ladies who work there and have to deal with hundreds of anxiety filled students and god-complex-plagued profs everyday.
10. You get defensive when someone tries to make fun of Glendon.
After all, it’s your home away from home, it’s the place where you met some of the world’s best and kindest people, it’s where you’ve made some of the best memories. and no one, I mean no one gets to make fun of it except you.
Featured photo source: www.pinterest.com

I like taking photos and sometimes I write. I'm definitely a night owl, who loves scrolling through tumblr and/or pinterest at 3 in the morning instead of finishing a paper that's due at 11:59 that same day. In short: student, food lover and travel addict.