420 is a big day for every sign in the zodiac – it’s a holiday appreciated by all! In Canada, this will be the first 420 where marijuana is completely legalized in the history of the country, making it a big day for just about every sun sign! Looking for ideas of how to spend this momentous occasion? Look no further! This list will tell you what you should do on 420, all according to your zodiac sign. Use 420 as a way to tap deeper into your celestial power – after all, marijuana can teach you a lot about yourself!
As one of the most dominant signs of the zodiac, take this day to finally CHILL OUT! Relax, have a 420 picnic, and just be mellow, that’s what you should do on 420, aries!
You love indulging in earthly delights, and especially marijuana, taurus! Here’s what you should do on 420: make some edibles! All your handwork is sure to pay off into something delicious, that you can even share with all your friends!
420 is the day this year gemini! It’s time to try that crazy method of smoking weed that you’ve always wanted to, that’s what you should do on 420. As an innovator, there’s gotta be something you still need to try! Hot knives, a cool vape, or even a banana pipe, find a new way to smoke and get out there, trendsetter!
This 420 you aren’t going to get too into your head, cancer. Head out to the park and do some art outside, especially drawing or painting. Better yet, use your whole body – you could even paint yourself! Spend this day being artistically productive.
Here’s what you should do this 420 leo, because it’s just the day to shine – do some karaoke! As a performer, smoke some weed (but maybe bring along a red bull) and spend your 420 evening enjoying yourself centre stage!
Time to put on your hosting pants, virgo because this is what you should do on 420 – have a 420 party! As a perfectionist, you are just about the perfect person to host on this day. You can control what music is played, which munchies to provide, and maybe even a little bit of weed (with all the info about the strands of course!). Pre-roll some joints so that you are ready for the night ahead of you!
Libra, this 420, you should have a crazy night! Go out with your friends, smoke weed, and see where the night takes you! Go to a cool event or bar, or if you can find yourself into a hot tub, that would definitely be the 420 move!
Smoking for a scorpio, just like a scorpio, can get super intense really quickly, so this 420 you should take it easy. Have a lot of sex, eat a lot of snacks and stay in – just the way 420 was intended!
Noted for their great senses of humour, here’s what sags should do this 420 – go to an improv or comedy show! Look and see if there are any small improv/comedy shows going on in your hometown, and if not, watch a classic stoner movie (one that you haven’t seen before) to finish off your night!
For all you hardworking capricorns out there, here is what you should do this 420! Take the day off to smoke and perhaps enjoy some sort of spa treatment – or at the very least, self care. Light candles, take a bath, do face masks, pamper yourself!
This 420, here’s what you should do: feel out your high self with a bit of mental pampering – head over to an art gallery! Smoking before you go see an art show could be a very moving experience; how will the art speak to you, aquarius?
Here’s what you should do on 420 pisces – take ether day to connect with yourself. Go on a hike, or even just a walk, and feel yourself outside in nature. If it’s warm enough, perhaps even go to a beach and take a swim!
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