Receiving your first college acceptance letter is one of the most exciting feelings, but it is also overwhelming and followed by a lot of pressure. Senior year is one of the best years of your life; you’ve still got that last bit of high school fun to enjoy, but you’re also aware that everything is about to change. It’s bittersweet, but there’s so many things to look forward to. Here are some things to do when you receive a college acceptance letter:
Call Your Mom
This may not be everyone’s initial reaction, but it sure was mine. When you get accepted to the school of your dreams, it is one of the most exciting and proud moments you’ll probably ever feel. Remember, your parents/ family live to see their children grow up and succeed, so give your mom (or dad, sister, grandma) a call and let her be excited with you!
Tell Your Friends
Share your news! Everyone wants to talk about their accomplishments, and your friends are one of the best places to go to do that. The best part is that yourself and your friends are all on the same journey, waiting to get accepted to their top choice college or university – so everyone will probably be just as excited about this as you!
Post It On Social Media (#FutureGryphon)
I remember pressing the “accept my offer” button on the option of University of Guelph and immediately tweeting #FutureGryphon (yes, I’m basic). But it’s routine, it is something literally everyone does. So, when you receive your college acceptance letter, share your pride on social media and let everyone indulge in the excitement with you!
Cry, Scream, Dance, Shout
All of the above. Let it out!
Treat Yourself
Whether “treating yourself” to you means buying yourself a gift, eating really good food, or taking the longest nap of your life, do something for yourself as a reward. You’ve worked hard, and it has finally paid off, you’ve received your college acceptance letter! So now, it’s your turn to relax and give yourself a break.
Evaluate Your Options
Okay, so you have received a college acceptance letter. You’ve now told your family, shared the news with your friends, expressed your emotions, posted it on social media, and even rewarded yourself with something that makes you feel good. Life moves fast, by this point you’ve probably received yet another acceptance. Oh, there’s one more. As you get multiple acceptances to schools you’ve applied to as options or as backups, the next step is to evaluate your options. This one is really important, look at the different schools and what they have to offer. This is your time to figure out where you fit best, and what can offer you the best in the long run (no pressure).
Keep Working Hard
After all of the excitement, there is also a lot of stress that follows. It is important to keep working just as hard even after you’ve already been accepted everywhere or even accepted your choice of school. To avoid being revoked or losing a scholarship, remember that everything you have worked for is still that much at stake! So keep studying and while you should enjoy your senior year, remember that your grades should always come before friends and partying (but not before your mental health).
But Also Remember: Be Humble!
In the midst of your excitement, it’s important to remember to be humble! Remind yourself that there may be people who have not gotten accepted yet or have even gotten rejected. Don’t let this thought take away from how proud you may be of yourself (because you deserve to be proud), but use it to consider the feelings those closest to you may be experiencing at the same time.