
15 Things I Wish I Knew Before Frosh Year at York

York University is truly the best university to attend. The decision to go here changed my…

Why I’m Excited To Start At Ryerson University

Ryerson University is what one would call a dream school. In the heart of Toronto,it…

20 Signs You And Your BFF Are The Same Person

When did it happen? By “it”, I mean the moment fate scooped you into her…

20 Signs You Go To Ryerson

Going to Ryerson and being a part of downtown Toronto definitely makes for a unique…

10 Things That Totally Suck At University of Western Ontario
10 Things That Totally Suck At University of Western Ontario

So there are about a million things that totally rock at Western. But, although it…

8 Reasons to Join a Sorority at the University of Toronto

Going to University can be a very daunting experience. It is likely that the University of Toronto is…

6 Helpful Tips For How To Get Along With Your Roommate

In less than three years at college, I have had seven different roommates. The three…

10 Reasons Why UofT Is The Best University On Earth!

With the new semester rolling around the corner, I’m sure everyone is less than excited…