You’re officially in! After accepting your offer to Wilfrid Laurier University, you might have some thoughts about how the next four years of your life will go. But let’s slow down and just focus on frosh. Here are 10 essential tips that will help make frosh at Wilfrid Laurier University absolutely GOLDEN.
1. Log onto LORIS.
That would be: Laurier’s Online Registration & Information System. Course registration for first year students begins in May so if you haven’t already, be sure to start registering for your classes and building your timetable. On LORIS, you can also apply for bursaries. Find a lazy day to sit down, relax, and complete a financial aid application. It will take a bit of time, but who doesn’t want free money?
2. Get your Student ID/OneCard.
If you find yourself at a WLU campus tour, or simply visiting the beautiful city of Waterloo, head over to the OneCard office to obtain your card. Going before the first week of school will save you a wait in the long lineup. Your OneCard gives you access to library books, the Athletic Complex, and most importantly, your meal plan! It also provides you with free transportation via Grand River Transit. When you get your card, don’t forget to bring a government-issued photo ID, a print-out of your detailed schedule (which you can get off LORIS), and a huge smile. You’ll have the picture on your OneCard for all four years, so make it a good one!
3. Register for O-Week!
It’s important to register for orientation week online in advance. This ensures that you reserve your spot early, and get at least one thing checked off your stressful (but exciting!) pre-uni checklist. Make sure to sign up for all the group icebreakers and events! An all-time favourite frosh party is the on-campus Headphone Disco. You’ll learn more about this one when you get there.
4. Get ready for move-in day.
Whether you have a single room or double room, dorm style or apartment style—get ready to meet the friends you’ll live with during your first year at Laurier! Finding your roommates beforehand helps a ton when planning what to bring for your dorm such as microwaves, toasters, and even waffle-makers! This can be done through official WLU Facebook groups, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there! Check out the Residence Guidebook to learn the major dos and don’ts for your building. On move-in day you will have the opportunity to meet your Don (an upper-year student who keeps everyone in check) during a residence meeting later in the afternoon.
5. Get decked out in official Golden Hawk gear.
You’ll definitely need something Purple and Gold for school events like Homecoming! Look online or head down to the WLU Bookstore or the Athletic Complex and pick up some essential Laurier items such as an Under Armour team hoodie, Red Zone crop tee, or a classic Laurier lanyard to keep your keys on you.
6. Join clubs.
With over 100 clubs on campus, there’s definitely something for almost everyone! Joining a club is an amazing way to get involved and meet people that have the same interests as you. You can choose from sports clubs like the Field Hockey, and Lacrosse club or Food & Cooking clubs, Leadership clubs, and many others. You are sure to find the right fit for you.
7. Consider joining a fraternity or sorority.
Wilfrid Laurier University is home to 5 Fraternities: Alpha Epsilon Pi, Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Chi, and Zeta Psi, as well as 2 Sororities: Alpha Omega, and Alpha Phi. Rushing a frat or sorority is a great way to socialize during the first couple of weeks, and gives you the opportunity to make lifelong friendships. Greek life at Laurier will submerge you into a constantly growing, and vibrant society that not only allows you to have fun but also focuses on philanthropy and giving back to the community.
8. Do your research.
Although all professors at Laurier are some of the best you’ll ever have, don’t hesitate to look up reviews on your future profs to help prepare yourself on how you will need to perform in their course. Rate My Professors is an easy-to-use website to find ratings written by WLU students just like you!
9. Get ready to learn.
Go to the WLU Bookstore, and look online for the best deals on pre-owned textbooks. One solid tip for those buying brand-new books is to keep the plastic wrap on and undamaged until after the first day. Your professor will confirm whether you actually need the textbook for the course. If not, you are blessed with the opportunity to return the new book, and save yourself some cash —as long as it remains unopened! Be sure to walk into your first university classes with an open mind, ready to take on each task. You might have some classes that are easier than others, but don’t slack off (or worse, not even attend) just because you think it’s a “Bird Course.” Everyone can fall behind, and you definitely don’t want to be one of them.
10. The most important golden tip: DON’T WALK ON THE HAWK.
Okay, so it’s not actually a written rule, but the tradition of not stepping on the Golden Hawk dates back to 1996. It is located on the floor of the first level of the Fred Nichols Campus Centre. So, in order to avoid a dozen death glares from your fellow students just don’t do it. Or at least don’t get caught!