At the University of Toronto there is a broad variety cultures that you will surely come across. Therefore, you will surely meet all types of people. And with thousands of students attending each year, there are many to meet as well. Although there are countless types, here are 8 that we’re sure you’ll find across campus.
1. The type that is school spirit personified
Usually the first person that had greeted you at orientation the year prior they will be there again the next year excited to welcome you through the school gates. Always excited about promoting the school, you can find them behind a club booth waving around the sign-up sheet and giving away free stickers.
2. The type that lives at the gym (and who knows all of them)
Waking up at 6am, drinking a green smoothie and working out until their next class this type is always on the run. When they’re not at the countless gyms sprawled around campus you can find them in class usually wearing sweats and a hoodie.
3. The type that joins Greek Life
Although not as big in comparison to the United States, Greek life at the University of Toronto still holds a similar reputation. You can find this type usually sporting their Greek letters and lounging in their respective fraternities or planning an event. Although looking slightly tired all the time they’ll still lend you those notes from yesterdays class, highlighted and annotated.
4. The type that hands out flyers and food
Whether you’re at Sidney Smith, Robarts library or at University College you’ll find someone shoving some sort of paper your way. You can distinguish them from other students by the vast amount of paper in their hand and their strategic placement points at building entrance ways. Not usually loud or boisterous they silently sell their cookies and muffins – which are a good midday snack.
5. The type that is always early
There are days where you’re going to arrive early to class, and no matter how early you are there will always be someone there before you. You’ll find them sitting down in front of the classroom or leaning against the wall knowing its going to take a while before class starts. They might acknowledge you with a nod, they might not say anything at all.
6. The type that lives, breathes, and eats at Robarts
When you get your first assignment chances are you’re going to stop by Robarts to do some research. Every time you go, you’ll start to notice a handful of students that are there but never seem to leave. They will occasionally leave their seat for a cup of coffee, but only to help them with their all-nighter ahead of them.
7. The type that only wears suits
Although not all over the University of Toronto, you will find this type at least once a day. They’ll be wearing a nice suit and a crisp shirt possibly holding a briefcase. You’ll possibly wonder whether they are students or simply the businessmen from the company down the street. Who knows.
8. The type that only shows up to the exam
This is the most elusive and mysterious of all the types. You’ve memorized their name from tutorial roll-call but you finally have a face to assign it to. As quickly as they arrive, they are usually the first to leave and you wonder whether they were simply a genius or too busy to care. But you’ll never know.