City Life

To The City That Will Always Have My Heart: Toronto

Whether you call it the “6ix” or “T-Dot,” you can’t help but just get a little excited when someone mentions Toronto. And it’s not just because it’s Drake’s hometown.

If you were to ask me 6 months ago on my thoughts of the city, I would’ve simply rolled my eyes. I was convinced that I wanted to leave after I graduated. However, it was a conversation with my boyfriend that completely changed my outlook on the city.

While driving down Don Valley Parkway, he asked what I did during my free time. He was quite surprised when I told him that I stayed home on my days off. Of course, this earned him a questioning look from me. This prompted him to say “What do you mean you stay home? Don’t you go out? You’re in the city of Toronto.” I scoffed and responded by saying, “There is nothing in this city for me”. I’d rather be in London or New York.” I’ve lived in this city my entire life. So, I guess I expected him to be more in love with the city than I was. After all, “the grass is greener on the other side,” right?

I just didn’t really see what the city had to offer. Compared to other cities around the world, it lacked something. I mean the C.N. Tower and terrible traffic conditions don’t  compare to the Eiffel Tower. Oh, and did I mention our subway system sucks? Expect delays during your commute, as if you weren’t exhausted enough.

As part of the majority of Ryerson students who don’t have the luxury of affording rent downtown near campus, it only makes sense that as soon as I’m finished with classes, I head straight to the TTC for my long commute home. Students are constantly coming and going, and not only do I barely have enough time to even socialize with people, but I also don’t have time to really indulge in the soul of the city.

However, my mind had gradually begun to change over these past few months in ways I would never imagine. As the school year came to a close and summer began, I started going out a lot more. My eyes have really opened with my surroundings of the city. Having gone on numerous dates by now, I really have to give credit to my boyfriend for helping me realize just how unique this city is. By showing me the endless number of late-night bars and alluring small restaurants, I went places that I never even knew existed. I have to say, I really started to appreciate the beauty of the city after discovering one of several secret spots. Here you can get the perfect shot of the city’s skyline.

Adding on to this, I started a new job recently that’s located right in the heart of downtown Toronto. This has given me the chance to meet a number of unique and outgoing individuals. Many of these social interactions I’ve encountered have made me realize just how lovely the people of Toronto are. Their passion is inspiring for my own personal growth. Out of all the cities in the world, I believe that Toronto is the one that wins when it comes to accepting everyone for who they are. Our city has always been known as being one of the most multicultural and diverse cities in the world. That’s definitely something to be proud of.

See Also

This year, I also had the chance to visit High Park during the cherry blossom season to see the blossoms in full bloom. That has been something I’ve been wanting to do since high school. But, like a lot of things, I never had the chance to. The Distillery District has also become a frequent outing destination for me recently. The area has shown me that the city’s historical heritage marks as the architectural beauty. This is something that no other city can replicate.

There is so much more life and culture in Toronto than meets the eye. All the excitement is here; whether you’re discovering cool new indie coffee shops or attending the annual Toronto International Film Festival to spy on your favourite celebrities. All I can say is that I am quite regretful I ever thought this city was in the least bit “boring.” There’s always something going on at every corner of the city. I’ve come to realize that this city has quite a lot to offer, in it’s own quirky way of course.

What other reasons do you have for loving Toronto!? Share in the comments below!

Featured Image: wehearit

Chloe Yan

Student in Toronto studying New Media and Journalism. A Virgo baby who has a deep love for tea, getting lost in bookstores, and hanging out in retro coffee shops.

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