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10 Things You’ll Never Hear A Student Say At Ryerson University

10 Things You’ll Never Hear A Student Say At Ryerson University

10 Things You'll Never Hear A Student Say At Ryerson University

While there are a lot of things you are guaranteed to overhear on campus, there are some things you’ll never hear a student say at Ryerson University. If you say any of these things, do you even go to Ryerson?

1. Wow, it smells great on Gould today.

We all know that smell. You’re just casually making your way downtown (duna duna duna duna), then you make to the campus the smell overpowers your senses. Truly, no one really knows where that smell is coming from. I mean, we are downtown, it could be from ANYTHING. But we accept it and go on with our day.

2. I did not break a sweat running to this class.

If you never say this, I am extremely jealous of you. How can you not????????? Ryerson’s campus is spread apart, from Bay St to College, you may need to get from one building to another for your back to back classes. Anyone who feels the pain of travelling to the other end of campus within a ten minute time span will feel my pain. (So of course, why not stop at Starbucks and accept that you’re constantly going to be 15 minutes late?).



3. I didn’t get anything for free from the elections.

Oh the Ryerson election season, we all sipped on that tea which was spilled during the campaigns. With the power of social media, our feeds were bombarded with “vote for me,” “I have free food for you,” and “meet our team” posts. To be honest, I took advantage of the ‘free’ pizza, candies, and pens they were giving out. Did it affect my vote? Not really, the slates did; however, there were people everywhere campaigning with free items, so the elections were inescapable.

4. I got to sleep in today.

Ryerson is a commuter school, people are coming from all over the GTA. Meaning, even if your class starts at noon, you probably have to wake up early to get ready to make it to the station on time. Even on days when you do not have class, school work will either keep you up late, or up early. But, whatever it takes to pass the semester, right?


5. Coupons are not needed.

Living on a student budget, that consists of OSAP money, a few $20 bills, and a coupon book, is an extremely hard thing. With a hungry stomach and a tight budget, no one is really feeling up to paying full price for a meal. So when those coupons come in the mail, fam, you just found your lunches for the next month (or until they expire). So if you say you don’t need coupons . . . join the dark side, or extreme couponing.

6. There is so much study space.

Who else feels the struggle of attempting to be a good student and literally there is no where to sit but the floor? There are dozens of study spaces and the SLC, yet there are still no extra tables and chairs. It’s really annoying especially when you’ve walked throughout the SLC, library, four different buildings, and you have to study at the Eaton Centre.


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7. You’re getting lost in Kerr Hall? Never happened to me.

I mean, it’s only four wings right? Nope, it’s just plain confusing. The numerous times people are looking for their class in one wing and just end up on the other side of Kerr Hall should never be documented because you would need a a book that has size 0.8 font. Or when you try to go to Kerr Hall from the SLC and you end up in the basement of another building . . . sometimes a compass would come in handy.

8. I haven’t eaten any fast food in an entire week.

Food is food, and it’s damn tempting. Having school in the heart of the city with restaurants lined down the streets is not the greatest thing for people’s budgets. If you have ever had a week without having fast-food, I envy you.


9. I always have my headphones/chargers/etc.,

Three hour lectures are a great, but can also be tiring on you and all of your electronics. The struggle of leaving your chargers and headphones is real. If it hits rock bottom, good thing we are near so many stores that sell what we need.

10. I spent $10 on Rye memorabilia.

Everyone wants to show their school spirit whenever they can. All of the great sweaters and shirts sold in store are kind of expensive. Even if you find something that’s less than $10, you will probably end up buying a lot over your time at Ryerson. Save that money, gurl.

Are there any other things you’ll never hear a student say at Ryerson University? Comment below.
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