I am an athlete. I am a girly girl. I…
Western students are known for being the most fun princesses you’ll ever meet. That does come with the odd complaint and heaps of sarcasm. Here’s 10 things you will never hear a student say at UWO.
1. “I love 8:30 classes!”
Even the early birds cannot deal with getting onto campus that early and being happy about it. It always seems like a good idea during registration but let’s get one thing straight–early class is never a good idea.
If your current self could go back in time at the moment to registration day, it would go something like this…
2. “Spoke bagels are garbage.”
Just get out.
3. “What’s Ceeps?”
This isn’t even a thing that any university-aged student that lives in the Western Hemisphere would say. Not even in your wildest dreams.
4. “I’m not even stressed at all.”
Even while you’re binge drinking on a Thursday night and have almost forgotten that its a Thursday, those words will never exit your mouth because there is still a shred of stress that will perpetuate long after graduation.
5. “I think I’ll go pet that adorable goose, what a gentle creature.”
We have seen far too many snapchats and heard far too many horror stories to be so ignorant. Also, they are impeccably hideous.
6. “UC Hill is overrated.”
That hill is one of the best things about campus other than the horrendous hike, it is our landmark, our perfect insta platform, and the one and only traybogganing hill.
7. “Even though I’m in 2nd/3rd/4th year now, I still love Pro Thursdays.”
This may be said as a joke but should never be said under any other circumstance whatsoever. Prohibition is the best thing that ever happened to first years but it must remain in first year.
8. “Let’s skip Homecoming.”
Basically the equivalent to saying “let’s just skip christmas.” Snap out of it Krank. Western Homecoming should be considered a national holiday because we sure treat it like one.
9. “I really wanna get into that Monday night class that doesn’t end until 10.”
AKA voluntarily signing up to miss Dollar Beers every Monday night– and no class is worth that.
10. “I wish I went to Queens.”
What else would you never hear a student say at UWO? Let us know down below!
Featured image source: weheartit.com

I am an athlete. I am a girly girl. I am a life-of-the-party girl. I am a sit-in-the-corner-and-listen-to-music girl. I am a bit of every girl. I write to share with all of the girls I am.