I am an athlete. I am a girly girl. I…
So there are about a million things that totally rock at Western. But, although it is uncommon that we admit it, we do have some faults. Here are the absolute worst – things that totally suck at University of Western Ontario.
1. Walking up UC hill
When you try to pretend that you’re not breathing like someone who is running a marathon. But you are, and everyone else is; just embrace it.
2. Canadian geese literally everywhere
Even when you think that there aren’t any geese around; there are. And I think a few of us have learned that the hard way.
3. How busy the rec centre is
The beauty of having one of the nicest recreation centres in the entire province is the amount of active students it produces…or is it? A 45 minute workout will take upwards of 2 hours and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
4. The outrageously long food lines at UCC
Hopefully you’ve planned ahead and budgeted in 25 extra minutes to get a coffee or you’ll definitely be missing out on your Triple, Venti, Half Sweet, Non-Fat, Caramel Macchiato with room.
5. The wrap-around lines at Ceeps
SO you think, “maybe we’ll all to Ceeps this Thursday, pre-drink until around 10 and then head over.” Well, you are completely, insanely wrong unless you want to wait in line for 2 hours or finesse your way into guest list.
6. The Purple Store – what even is it?
Apparently it’s some kind of Student Council run store. Apparently it loses around $10,000 per year to run. Apparently there’s a way better clothing store just a small jaunt away that has pretty awesome purple clothing and books all in one nifty spot called the book store. I mean, this is all just hear-say, who knows?
7. AEO – no one cares
“Hey, my name is Aleah! Nice to meet yo–“*aggressively proud voice*I HAVE AEO” ….ok?….
8. Trying to find a spot in Weldon during exams
Unless you plan on getting to the library at an ungodly time in the morning, you will probably need to stroll through every floor, passing a thousand unoccupied cubicles with a notebook on them sending an implicit message of: “Screw you, I’m actually at the Wave getting a nice lunch with friends right now and not studying but you totally can’t sit here to study”
9. Driving in the roundabout
There’s a good chance that it is the only roundabout that you’ve ever been in (unless you’re from Calgary) and you’re not really sure how it works. Sometimes, you just have to bite the bullet and go for it.
10. Leaving campus to go home for the summer
Although it may have angry geese and long lines, it is the most beautiful campus with the most beautiful people who you will miss dearly for the next four months.
What are some other things that totally suck at University of Western Ontario? Share in the comments below!
Featured image source: pinterest.com

I am an athlete. I am a girly girl. I am a life-of-the-party girl. I am a sit-in-the-corner-and-listen-to-music girl. I am a bit of every girl. I write to share with all of the girls I am.