The Typical Day Of A Student At Ryerson University

Whether you are a commuter or a residence student, we can all agree this is the typical day of a student at Ryerson University. From coffee at Balzac’s, to lunch at Salad King, a day at Ryerson University wouldn’t be complete without these things!

1. Morning Commute!

Whether you choose to listen to music, sleep or read a book, this is usually one of the longest parts of your day. Nobody wants to be on a subway for an hour long commute, but you gotta do what you gotta do to get that education.

2. Coffee at Balzacs.

Coffee before a morning class is a must. Conveniently, there is a Balzac’s coffee shop located right on campus. Don’t forget to grab some baked goods for breakfast before heading to class.


3. Morning Class!

Now this is your real chance to catch up on those Z’s— I mean this is your chance to pay attention in class. Actually, who am I kidding, everyone sleeps in morning classes. Although this may not be the best strategy, it is definitely one of the most popular options. At least your morning classes get you prepared for the rest of your day.

4. Lunch at Salad King.

Salad King is by far one of the most popular food options near campus, with McDonald’s and Chipotle coming in close behind. With many great things on their menu such as Thai fried rice and Kari noodles, you could eat this every day with no shame. Here’s a secret: all Ryerson students get 20% between 2-5pm.

5. Studying at the beach floor.

This is probably the most populated floor in the Student Learning Centre, so you need to get there early to get a good spot. With bean bags and people-chairs this is probably the easiest place to fall asleep on campus. If you’re looking for some quieter study spaces I’d suggest the fifth or seventh floor, but if you’re just looking for a chill place to study then the beach is the place for you.

See Also


6. Walk through YDS.

Probably the most scenic part of your daily travels, Yonge-Dundas Square is always one of the liveliest destinations in Toronto. Whether you pass by an event in the square or you pass by some street performers, there is always something to see here. For students, it is a short walk-through with a nice view that you need to talk to get to the subway.

7. Commute during rush hour.

Ah yes, that lovely commute during rush hour. Where everyone is fighting for a seat and is pressed together with zero space to breathe comfortably. This is definitely the longest and worst part of your day. Just pop in some headphones, play some good music, and hopefully the time will pass by quickly.

If you have any other exciting things to contribute from your daily life as student at Ryerson University, feel free to comment below and share the article!
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Jade West

Hi guys! I am currently studying Accounting and Finance at Ryerson University. I love playing sports, hanging out with friends, and I am a major foodie.

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