There has been a rise in a new feminism that is becoming more apparent. Feminism has been growing long before the #MeToo movement. But as we see frustration rise, we see new tactics, and this is how we birth extremist. This new feminism can be described as misandry. Misandry is described as the invisible hatred of men.
In the millennial world, this hatred takes forms in the bashing of men online and treating them all like the last guy that hurt you. I understand the feminist movement that is making waves in the community but this new feminism feels wrong. Microaggression is incredibly relevant, it is the small things that we as people do to distance ourselves from a particular group of people. Has it started to include men?
The hatred of women can usually be present as there is a large group of people devoted to this hatred. The misogynists and the incels. Incels do not choose to be celibate and state that it is because women don’t want them. This can, in turn, lead to said persons being incredibly aggressive towards women. But as feminism grows so does misandry.
Saying things like “he only things with his junk,” “he is a man it doesn’t matter,” or “Y’all a bunch of fuckboys” is fueling the new feminism, misandry. It is an instinct to hate what is being portrayed as the enemy, and it feels like right now the enemy is men in general.
Icons such as Margaret Atwood have been put under fire for speaking up for a man accused of sexual misconduct. She departed from what is a touchy subject surrounding sexual assault wherein the media there is a black and white response. Atwood went against the man feminists beliefs by sticking up for Steven Galloway, former chair of the creative writing department at UBC. Women who stand b their significant other are being scrutinized for not picketing with the masses.
When we think of misogyny a lot of terrible things come to mind. Such as sexual harassment, a lot of people do not believe that misandry can exist and that sexually harassing a man is not possible. But if you have seen Horrible Bosses with Jennifer Aniston, you can see that it is possible.
I understand that this hatred stems from a place of rebuttal, but we have put men into one category as SOME men have done to us. So the question I have surrounding what appears to be a hateful form of feminism is “why”? History has shown us that fighting fire with fire will not work. And a good offense is not always the best defense.
Fourth-wave feminism is all about equality and making sure that all sexes are treated fairly. But just because this movement appears to be the most popular, that doesn’t mean that the hateful assumptions and opinions surrounding powerful men or the average Joe are correct. Negative comments may be funny on Twitter and Instagram, but that prolong this war. I can see where this new feminism hatred comes from.
A center for men was proposed to be put in Toronto and was received with hate and anger. The woman felt as though men did not need a safe place when the world is their oyster but if we don’t look beyond then, that is how we all become one-sided.
The war of genders that really just needs to stop. I am a feminist. You may not think that by me shaming those who go out of there way to humiliate all guys and treat them all as though it was a group effort to diminish women’s rights. Some did have a large part in this war, but we do not need to fuel it anymore.