At this point in time, everyone and their grandmothers know about the numerous coconut oil benefits (seems like every single company is jumping on the bandwagon), but some of us might not realize just how many diverse uses there are to be discovered.
Coconut oil is rather high in fats known as medium chain triglycerides. These M.C.Ts are the reason for the plethora of health-related coconut oil benefits. Said benefits include, but are definitely not limited to…
Do I now have your attention? Fabulous. Listen up, the aforementioned M.C.Ts in coconut oil can drastically reduce both hunger and appetite (yes, there is a difference) and, ideally, reduce unwanted body weight.
It is believed that these coconut oil benefits arise from the process that these fatty acids (M.C.Ts) are metabolized. Further, coconut oil improves digestion by aiding your body to absorb all the essential fat-soluble vitamins and minerals. With this in mind, I guess it is time to make a run to the supermarket!
I should probably mention that this coconut oil benefit is obviously not as effective as the real deal, but it is definitely healthier, especially if you are looking for a low-dose form of protection. That said, it shields you from approximately 20% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
This is more than likely one of the best coconut oil benefits that you can discover. For starters, coconut oil is a tremendous remedy against unholy bacteria, such as Streptococcus mutans (best of luck pronouncing that), which causes dental plaque, tooth decay, as well as gum disease.
Apparently, (known as oil pulling) one can simply gargle coconut oil for about ten minutes. Basically, this is just as effective as utilizing an antiseptic mouthwash. Say good riddance to Listerine!
Research shows that coconut oil benefits can go as far as improving skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis. In addition, coconut oil is a fantastic moisturizer for your entire body, including your acne-prone face and chapped lips.
Lastly, coconut oil’s anti-inflammatory properties can aid in relieving the pain/itch induced by insect bites/stings. So, who’s ready for some camping!?
As some of you poor souls may know, Candida albicans is a persistent fungus responsible for all things yeast, such as a yeast infection and (some forms of) dandruff (a little TMI). Thankfully for you, coconut oil benefits include anti-fungal properties, which tend to be nearly as effective as fluconazole.
Incredibly enough, virgin coconut oil encompasses powerful antibacterial properties that can lead to the prevention and treatment of minor infections.
That is, lauric acid found in coconut oil is rather efficient at neutralizing diverse strains of bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus (if that’s not a mouthful, I don’t know what is).
Ladies, this is one of the coconut oil benefits you have all been waiting for. The reason being, coconut oil will keep your hair healthy with a beautiful, natural shine; it drastically reduces protein loss from your hair when applied before or even after shampooing,
Again, it seems as though the unique structure of lauric acid can penetrate the hair shaft in ways that other products only dream about accomplishing. Move the hell over Pantene!
Another surprising benefit of our beloved coconut oil is the fact that it can actually restore ragged cuticles, including hangnails. (If you have to ask what is a cuticle, you might as well skip this portion.)
Accomplished several times per week, apply a tiny amount of coconut oil to your cuticles, massaging for a moment. Don’t fret, it isn’t rocket science.
Yes, you read that right ladies. No longer will you need to throw your money away buying those silly profit-hungry, name-brand makeup removers.
Again, simply apply a tad bit of coconut oil on a cotton pad and gently wipe away all traces of yesterday’s makeup! Genius, I know.
Okay, realistically there are hundreds of general-purpose uses for coconut oil, but one of the utmost common uses would be to make your very own homemade soap (for both dishes and laundry) or even insect repellent (when mixed with a few other ingredients, obviously).
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