Thousands of years ago a wise man once said: “never skip leg day” in a dialect now lost to time. He was quickly met with brutal comeuppance when an angry mob of muscular individuals with legs like toothpicks quickly ran him out of town for these blasphemous words. Luckily we can heed this forgotten sage’s warnings by looking over the best possible leg exercises to help you outrun this dreaded fate. Just a little heads-up before we elaborate on his fantastical wisdom: some of these leg exercises might require you to actually go to a pious gym or find holy equipment that could allow to perform them without hurting yourself.
The old reliable. Stand up and bend your knees and return into standing position. Repeat this process until your body cannot possibly take anymore intense squatting action. This leg exercise can be done practically anywhere and if you want to crank up the difficulty levels for yourself, try doing it on the tip of your toes. Just make sure you don’t fall over! Another modifier you can that you can throw in for added pain and gains is of course barbells. The perfect tool for looking like the very picture of determination and grit!
Leg Press
When sitting in a leg press machine (available at your local gymnasium!), simply push against the panel with all the strength in your legs, revert to your original sitting position, and repeat the process. This leg exercise is pretty much a squat from the mirror universe.
Forward/Walking Lunges
What you need to do for this one is to stand completely upright and then take one step forward. While taking that step, lower yourself until one of the knees barely touches the ground while maintaining a straight spine. After that, return to that standing position and do that once again with the other leg. If you’ve got plenty of space around you and aren’t afraid to look a bit silly, perform these laborious lunges as a means of going around the vast room you’re located in. Maybe you could grab some dumbbells while lunging yourself across the room and try not to break your stance while giggling to yourself.
Hamstring Bridges
So here’s a leg exercise for your hamstrings (obviously!) and buttocks: lie on your back and keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. Once you’ve settled into the position, push your lower body off the ground then get back to the starting position and repeat. You can also try to hold the pose to develop your endurance.
Leg Curls
Here’s one of the leg exercise that requires you to go to the gym. Once you found the necessary machine, keep your chest completely flat on the slab and slide your legs underneath the weight. Now use your legs to lift up the weight over and over until the pain makes you unable to go on. An alternative way to handle this leg exercise is the one showcased in this picture. Keep a dumbbell between your feet and lift it up and down. Just remember that these various leg exercises aren’t also painless…
And so, with these pearls of unique insight delivered, you’ll now have all you need to tone your legs to perfection that will leave most average people with jaws agape. Good luck out there and prepare to outrun your newfound admirers or those seeking to learn your secrets.