Categories: College Life

The Benefits Of An Arts Degree That No One Talks About

Sometimes it seems as though anyone who is not an arts student has nothing but negative things to say about arts degrees. It’s easy to get caught up in the misconceptions that people fill our minds with, but it’s important to remember all of the wonderful things that our studies have to offer! From an arts student, here are just a few of the great things about our programs that nobody discusses:

You’re doing what you love

To me, this is the most important thing. You’re working towards your undergrad for four years – and that’s a long time to be studying something you hate. When you’re studying something that you’re passionate about, you’re more willing to put in work for it. The greatest professors and teachers come out of studying topics that touch their heart.

You learn about the world around you

Arts degrees offer the opportunity to learn about the world around you. For example, I am working towards a major in English, and a minor in History – I have done so much research and readings on world issues such as racism, war, feminism, segregation, and the list goes on and on. Learning about these issues prepares students for jobs such as journalists, lawyers, teachers etc. by educating them on different aspects of our world.

Your post-grad options are endless

This is a big one. When someone states that they’re working towards an art degree, so many responses end with, “what are you going to do with that?” But, the truth is that any general degree can lead you into so many post-graduation programs, and working towards your passion will only aid you in achieving higher marks before you get there! Once again, I know with my degree in English I am able to go to law school, teachers college, or get my masters in Journalism – and that’s only a few of my options.

Your classes are intimate

The further you go when completing an arts degree, the more intimate your classes get. In my second year, I have classes that are as small as twenty people. This is a huge benefit for students as it gives you the opportunity to meet people who are interested in and working towards the same goals as you! In addition, it gives students the chance to get to know their professors and make invaluable connections that can help them with their work and studies in the future.

See Also

You learn about yourself and others

Studies in biology and chemistry are viewed as crucial because they teach their students about the functioning of the human body. However, shouldn’t studies in psychology and anthropology be viewed in the same manner? Arts degrees have just as much ability as science degrees to offer valuable information about ourselves and others. Don’t get me wrong, a degree in finance will lead one to offer great services to the people in a community, however, so will a degree in political science.

You gain the most valuable skills

So many skills can be taught from all arts degrees. Literacy skills are something you gain and master through completing your degree, and these skills are SO important for any job you continue with after graduation. Knowing how to read, write, and interpret at an exceptional level will get you further than you think. Creativity is also another skill one can gain from many degrees in the arts. This of course will guide you towards any creative job, and overall just improve your qualities as an individual.

Are you an arts student? Tell us your thoughts about the benefits that no one talks about!

Featured image source:
Nicole Mior

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