Anyone who lives away for university knows that nights out are the best days of the week. Of course university…
A graduation cap symbolizes years of hard work. How people choose to use graduation cap decorations to adorn their hard…
Being in university means constantly being broke and trying to find fun things to do that are cheap, but being…
As we all know, University is kind of a big deal. Even more importantly, you're meeting new people that first…
The University of Toronto is a big hub of diversity, with people from all over the world and all walks…
As a 3rd year undergraduate Dalhousie student, I've definitely faced many challenges and advantages that friends of my hometown university haven't.…
Sometimes it seems as though anyone who is not an arts student has nothing but negative things to say about…
While at University you can expect to learn and discover so many new things! Like new subjects, skills for your…
Not every major is a lavish affair. Every college student takes a moment to reflect during their major to count…
Being a McMaster student can be awesome, but at the same time there are so many other ways it can…