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Suck It Up Buttercup: Play Resident Evil 2

Suck It Up Buttercup: Play Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2 is out now and even better than the original. Suck it up, buttercup. Play Resident Evil 2 before the arrival of the inevitable apocalypse.

I get it, you’re not a fan of the survival horror genre. In fact, merely pondering the idea of playing makes you want to run and hide under your bed sheets ’till your mother comes barging through the door asking you, “the hell are you doing Margaret?” I, however, am here to tell you that you would be doing yourself a major disservice if you were to completely overlook the awesomeness that is Resident Evil 2. Suck it up buttercup, play the game before the arrival of the inevitable apocalypse.

A Masterpiece Reborn

The original Resident Evil 2 (known as Biohazard 2 in Japan) was released in 1998 to critical acclaim. It had been praised for its dark atmosphere, settings, graphics, and audio. Furthermore, it has appeared on numerous “best games ever made” lists (mine included, if I even had a list that is), and with good reason. As a young lad, it was one of my favorite games (and still is) so you can only imagine my excitement for a Resident Evil 2 remake, 21 years in the making.

And I am grateful to announce that this masterpiece reborn was a complete success, critics once again praise the game for its fabulous presentation, gameplay (say goodbye to tank controls), and authentic faithfulness to the original. That said, it is one hell of a nostalgic journey and anyone that has played the original Resident Evil 2 must definitely play this remake.


Necessary Improvements

Despite how marvelous the original Resident Evil 2 had been, there was obviously room for improvement (such as the aforementioned tank controls and the replacement of two-dimensional environments). Gorgeous graphics and the implementation of over-the-shoulder camera mechanics most certainly heighten the already terrifying experience. This will undoubtedly create a gloomy/melancholy and oh-so claustrophobic ambiance that hardcore survival horror fans will surely not want to miss.

Moreover, you will discover the most realistic zombies that you’ll ever encounter in a video game. (Even their eyes were individually rendered one at a time, now that’s dedication.)

The Story Is Simply Incredible

For the time, the original Resident Evil 2 had one of the most, if not the most, unique stories in video game history and this reborn masterpiece only makes it that much greater. Briefly, this immensely cinematic story occurs in the zombie-infested Raccoon City, revolving around two distinct fan-favorite characters; Leon S. Kennedy, the rookie cop who is literally experiencing his first day on the job (lucky him), and Claire Redfield, an unfortunate college student who is searching for her brother (Chris Redfield, fan favorite from the first Resident Evil).

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Thankfully for these two heroes, they find each other in this deplorable hell and instantly begin cooperating as to get out alive. Throughout their nightmare of a journey, they encounter an unforgettable cast of characters that any gamer will, without doubt, remember for years to come (such as those who were actually responsible for the zombie outbreak). As well, with enough plot twists to keep your grandma hooked, you won’t want to put your controller down any time soon (not even for Sunday night Bingo night).

It Is Available On Various Platforms

Despite the original 1998 Resident Evil 2 initially only being released on the original PlayStation (before eventually being released on Nintendo 64), this masterpiece reborn is actually available on PlayStation 4 as well as Xbox One and Windows. So, that said, unless you only have a Nintendo Switch at your disposal, you seriously have NO excuse not to play this work of art and be terrified in the process. You won’t regret it…or, you know, maybe you will. There is only one way to find out. Happy gaming!


So, have you played the original Resident Evil 2 and will you be getting your hands on this remake (if you haven’t already)? And, lastly, which is your all-time favorite Resident Evil game?

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