Wilfrid Laurier University

Interviews With Artists In The GTA

It comes as no shock that the GTA is riddled with talented artists who have…

10 Easy Outfit Ideas Perfect For Rushed Mornings

Let’s be honest, as a college student, I’m lucky if I wake up on time…

10 Times American Politics Made WLU Thankful To Be Canadian

American politics. There’s a lot that can be said about the election process currently going…

7 Things That Are NOT True About Laurier

Summer is ending and it has me thinking about common misconceptions that other schools and…

6 Helpful Tips For How To Get Along With Your Roommate

In less than three years at college, I have had seven different roommates. The three…

10 DIY Dorm Decor Ideas Even Lazy Girls Can Do

Let’s face it, dorm rooms are tiny, ugly, and the wall are very,very plain. Since…

20 Signs You’re A College Athlete

There are certain things that only college athletes understand. Whether or not you are currently…

5 Easy Ways To Survive Winter In Canada

It’s almost that time: that dreaded time when weather reporters start saying the “F” word…