University of Waterloo

You're bound to hear plenty of interesting things while at college. However, there are a few things you will never hear at the University of Waterloo.

10 Things You Will Never Hear A Student Say At University of Waterloo

Walk through campus a few times a day, and you’ll usually hear a the same…

6 Helpful Tips For How To Get Along With Your Roommate

In less than three years at college, I have had seven different roommates. The three…

6 Tips For Waterloo Course Selection

Choosing courses can be a very difficult task, it doesn’t matter if you’ve been attending…

5 Easy Ways To Survive Winter In Canada

It’s almost that time: that dreaded time when weather reporters start saying the “F” word…

7 Netflix Shows to Add to Your Bucket List

On warm, summer days, I like to go outside and enjoy the heat with outdoor sports…

10 Harsh Truths I Wish I Knew In High School

Sometimes people are left with not knowing the things they should have done throughout high…

15 Signs You’re From Canada

If you’re from Canada, you know that there are some things only we understand. Here…

10 Truths About Sex In Uni

Sex – It’s complicated, especially as first years. Everybody urges you to have those “slutty…