University of Toronto

6 Things That Only a TCK Understands

A “third culture kid” (TCK for short) is a term for someone raised in a…

You're bound to hear plenty of interesting things while at college. However, there are a few things you will never hear at the University of Waterloo.

8 Things I Wish I Knew My Freshman Year at the University of Toronto

Things change from the start of freshman year to the beginning of your final year. Throughout…

10 Tips To Get You Through Sorority Recruitment at the University of Toronto

Decided to join a sorority? Here are 10 tips to help you get through sorority recruitment…

5 Fun Things to do During Summer Vacation at UofT

Have you ever been in a situation where you are sitting with a big group…

10 Unique Courses You Didn’t Know Existed At U Toronto

As course enrollment has just begun, we thought we’d give you a heads up to…

Consider your dorm room your new home away from home. Here is some inspiration from dorms at University of Toronto to make your dorm cute and cozy!

20 Ways To Decorate Your Dorm At University Of Toronto

Moving to a new city is already challenging enough; you do not have time to…

Travel Hacks for Studying Abroad

Those who have the privilege to travel will agree that travel is one of the…

20 Tips For UofT First Years

20 Tips For UofT First Years

After five years of enduring the bell curve, suffering through tutorials, and picking classes with…