McGill University

10 Tips For McGill Course Registration

10 Tips For McGill Course Registration

Course registration can be very stressful, especially when you are a new student and you…

24 Epic New Songs You Need In Your Life Right Now

Summer is in full bloom and our toes are finally starting to unfreeze. As the…

7 Tips For Grade 12 Students Before Starting Uni

Grade 12 students, do you feel sad, yet happy? Do you feel nostalgic, yet excited? Are…

20 Signs You Go To McGill

1. Squirrels…everywhere. 2. You can only read “beach day, every day!” a certain way. 3.…

6 Helpful Tips For How To Get Along With Your Roommate

In less than three years at college, I have had seven different roommates. The three…

5 Easy Ways To Survive Winter In Canada

It’s almost that time: that dreaded time when weather reporters start saying the “F” word…

From learning about the social aspect of food to everything about the Earth, these are the 10 easiest and most interesting classes at Ryerson University!

10 Courses At McGill You Didn’t Know About

The biggest struggle at McGill is probably course registration. What courses at McGill should I…

From the beautiful campus to all of the awesome events, these are 15 Instagram pictures of McGill University you'll be obsessed with!

15 Pictures Of McGill University You’ll Be Obsessed With

There are always so many events happening around McGill University that it’s near impossible for…