
Your first date is going to leave a lasting impression, so you need to know what to avoid. We have tips on what not to wear on a first date!
What Not To Wear On A First Date

You’ve done it. You’ve successfully managed to get a date with the guy you’ve been…

We've all been there. Here is a list of things to be on the lookout for, which may potentially mean that the guy you're talking to is, indeed, a fuck boy.
How To Know If The Guy You’re Talking To Is ACTUALLY A Fuck Boy

Face it. We’ve all been there. A cute guy starts talking to you and you…

If you've got a hot date, then these are the tips for a first date that you need to know! When it comes to conversation, kissing, what to wear... we've got you covered!
The Tips For A First Date That You Need To Know

Dating is a thing I know very little about, as someone who is only now…

It seems as though more often than not, girls find out that their boyfriend is actually not what they expected. Here are 10 signs you're dating a fuck boy.
10 Signs You’re Dating A Fuck Boy

It seems as though more often than not, girls find out that their boyfriend is…

A day date can be a really fun time for you and your partner! Who says a romantic date can only occur at night? Here's 7 day date ideas.
7 Activities You and Your Partner Can Do For A Day Date

The word “romantic” doesn’t necessarily have to be attributed to night time. Who says a…

The signs you're in love with the wrong person may not always be obvious. Here are 15 signs you can look out for if you're having doubts.
15 Signs You’re In Love With The Wrong Person

Knowing that there are signs you’re in love with the wrong person is crucial to…

No relationships are the same, but they all can be tricky. This is the ultimate guide on how to make a relationship last and keep the spark alive!
The Ultimate Guide On How To Make A Relationship Last

Relationships can be tricky. We all know couples who seem to have the perfect relationship,…

Sometimes your man needs a little push to help him reach his full fashion potential. Here's ways to up your boyfriend's style game without bruising his ego!
How To Tell Your Boyfriend He Needs To Up His Style Game Without Bruising His Ego

Ok, so you love your boyfriend, you’d do anything for him, and he makes you…

10 Problems You Have When You Keep Your Relationships Secret

In this day and age of oversharing every single occurrence on social media, it’s not…

10 Advices For An Ultimate Healthy Relationship
10 Advices For An Ultimate Healthy Relationship

Healthy relationships are an achievement. They impose obligations and only really work when two people…