10 Places to Hookup at the University of Toronto

The colder seasons are rolling around now and everyone knows what that means! Summer baes are no more and cuffing season is upon us. Realistically who doesn’t want that special someone to cuddle up next to on the couches in Brennan Hall, pumpkin spice latte in-hand, watching the leaves fall swiftly to the ground? Here are the top 10 best places to hookup at the University of Toronto- places to get cozy on campus in case you’re feeling warm inside and need to steal a quick kiss or a mid-day ~hookup~ with a fellow UofT-er before you’re both off to your next class!

1. Teefy Hall

The basement of this place is super deserted and very creepy, but there’s a lot of vacant rooms perfect for what you may be looking for!

2. Robarts 13th Floor

This floor is my go-to for studying because it’s eerily quiet and no one is ever in the stacks… meaning the motion lights are always off. This couldn’t be a better place for you and bae!


3. Carr Hall’s Computer Lab

Located on the third floor, the lab comes equipped with long desks, is dimly lit and only has the hum of the computer servers as background noise. It’s usually empty for “student-use” during the day… so feel free to interpret that however you’d like!

4. Innis Town Hall, Room #204

I had a lecture here once but the Prof decided to move locations because it was so out of the way and creepy! The perfect place for you and your lover to go to on your down time.

Directions (because you will get lost): Go up the metal stairs in the center of the building, through the door at the top, up the little white stairs to your right, look for the old blue wooden door that says #204.

5. University College

This building is perfect for sharing casual kisses on any of the beautiful staircases or little window nooks throughout. Or you can make your way to the basement or the endless hidden stairwells for some more privacy.

6. Ramsay Wright Laboratories

I’ve been told that the basement is filled with unused lockers, making it a very isolated area for you and your S.O. to spend hours in without anyone ever knowing!

7. Munk School Of Global Affairs

Apparently this building comes complete with a water fountain and greenery; the most perfect backdrop for your next Instagram make-out picture with your bf/gf.

See Also

8. ML Building

This place is a little house located behind Kelly Library. It’s run down, mysterious and almost deserted, except for the rarely used offices upstairs. The main floor has a hidden room in the back that’s filled with nothing but an empty bookshelf. It’s a little risky to be getting down in, but why not add some excitement to your affairs!


9. Indoor Bamboo Gardens

This little sanctuary can be found inside the Donnelly Centre. It’s perfect for first kisses with that new UofT cutie you’re trying to impress.

10. Gerald Larkin Building

I stumbled upon this odd stairwell right outside of the café while making my way down to the bathrooms. It’s filled with black and white murals of ghost-like figures. It’s weird and seductive all at the same time!

Enjoy these private places around campus, bring your bae or all your baes! Try them out and add some real excitement to your hookup shenanigans this Fall and Winter season!

What are some of the best places to hookup at the University of Toronto in your opinion? Comment below and share this article with students!

Featured image source: uc.utoronto, exitbooted.wordpress.com
Daniela Divito

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