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I Have An IUD And Here’s Why It’s Worth It

I Have An IUD And Here’s Why It’s Worth It

I Have An IUD And Here's Why It’s Worth It

As a woman, birth control is annoying AF! Obviously, it’s a necessity and is so important to sexual health but DAMN! It can be a hard part of your daily routine to remember, and a scary thing to forget. With the IUD, you don’t have to! I’ve tried plenty of birth controls and loved them, and know of many other ladies who have tried the rest, but believe me, the IUD brings them all to shame. Add an IUD into you (haha) and your life will change in the way you live and the way you have sex!!

1. Pills, Condoms, and Shots, Oh My!

I started taking birth control pills when I was 18 years old, in my senior year of high school. I had just started having sex, and I wanted to be proactive about it, so a week after I lost my virginity, I got a prescription. I had heard a LOT of horror stories about Alesse, the pill that most girls start with, and although it’s free in clinics, I was lucky enough to get started with LoLo, and had a lot of success. Of course, I was using condoms, and still do, but I did wonder – what other alternatives were out there. My good friend was getting the birth control shot, (not a good option, you can’t take it for more than 2 years as it can lead to osteoporosis!) and I liked the appeal of something I rarely had to deal with.

2. Problematic Pill Poppin’!

So, I was loving my time on LoLo – that is, until I kept getting my period when I was supposed to be on hormones! I wasn’t sure if maybe it had to do with the fact that I could never take my pill at the same time every day. Honestly, it was something just a little too unrealistic for me; taking my pill was never compatible with my schedule. When I went to my doctor to discuss what to do, she quickly changed me over to Seasonique, a birth control pill that you take for 3 months at a time (aka, you only get 4 periods a year!). However, I still kept getting my period at the wrong time! The problem definitely had to do with the fact that I never took the pill at the right time, but that was a lot to ask! I tried taking it at night, in the morning, setting a timer, but to my own avail. What could be my birth control solution? An IUD?


3. You Gotta Do What You Gotta Do

Another one of my best pals was, and still is, on the Nuva Ring. While I debated that for a while, I soon realized that an IUD was the way to go. Yes, you have to pay a couple hundred dollars for it, but if you’re covered by health insurance, that price gets hella reduced. So many of my friends were getting an IUD, and with no problems! The most difficulty anyone I knew had was that they gained a little weight and got some acne – but if you’re on a hormone pill that’ll happen anyway! Everyone was so thrilled with the fact that you could just get your IUD in, forget about it, and never be worried about getting pregnant. The IUD, I decided, was for me.

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4. The Time Has Come

When I got a consultation for my IUD, I was told that because I was previously on hormone pills, and nothing had gone awry in terms of my general well-being, it would be a good idea for me to get the 5 year, hormonal, Kyleena model. And that’s exactly what I did. Luckily, my insertion was pretty easy, and while it did feel like the worst period cramps I had ever had, I still walked home from that appointment! My body felt bloated for about two days after, but since then, it’s been nothing but eassssssy living. If you are a busy girl on the go, an IUD is for you! It’s worth the pain for a couple days, to have 5 years of 0 fear on your mind. Go out and get your IUD in, girl! 


Are you considering getting an IUD but need a second opinion? Did this article help you? Let us know in the comments below!

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