When it comes to my hair, I hate putting in effort. I shouldn’t say ‘hate’, I think more appropriately I just ‘don’t’. So because of this hate/laziness, I love to search online for quick and simple ways to get my hair looking presentable, but all I ever seem to find are tutorials that say things like, ‘Simple Up-Do in 30 Minutes’ or ‘..first you curl half of your hair, then you grab a back section and back comb, and then grab 12 bobby pins and pin it up, and then take it back down and then straighten the curled part and then…’ I said SIMPLE, people! That means 10 minutes or less (preferably less!) and means done by yourself, and not your hair styling team. So, here are 15 hairstyles for when you’re like me….a lazy AF girl.
1. Donut Bun
This is one of my go to hairstyles for when my hair needs to be washed but I didn’t have time to shower (Now every time someone sees me and my hair is in a donut they’re going to think ‘ew’.) or for when I have a couple of minutes to get ready and go to work. Or both. Usually both. This simple style is achieved by firstly tying your hair in a pony tail. Pull your hair through the donut (which you can buy any place that also sells hairbrushes) and sit the donut at the base of the pony tail. Gather the hair around the donut, and then push the hair under the donut and spin the hair around the underneath until there’s no more hair. Take a couple of bobby pins and pin into place.
2. Twisty Bun
Gather your hair and tie in a ponytail. Grab your ponytail, and twist, twist, twist into a bun. You can either wrap another elastic around the base of the bun and add a couple of pins, or just stick with the pins. Probably the most simple style, other than just brushing your hair or putting it in a ponytail.
3. Voluminous Pony Tail
Speaking of ponytails, it always looks lazy when you simply tie up your hair, but when there’s volume added to it, suddenly it’s runway worthy. (I know, it’s weird) Pump up your volume in two sneaky ways;
1. After putting the elastic in your hair, place two bobby pins in the elastic vertically. (like pictured)
2. Alternatively, do you have one of those really little 2-4 pronged clips? Place that around the elastic on the underside of your pony tail. You’ll get the same effect.
And now you can walk the runway. Or go to school. Whichever applies to your life best.
4. Hat Hair
For all my fellow Canadian residents, you can get away with this trick most months out of the year. PUT A HAT ON. Knitted hats, baseball caps, panama hat, fedora…doesn’t matter. What matters is it can hide your hair, and also look stylish! Tuck your hair underneath, let it fall out, pigtail it…whatever. Hats to the rescue! There’s nothing lazier than this as a hair hack, and it’s perfect!
5. Messy Low Bun
My current state of hair; the messy low bun. Achieved in, I don’t know, 10 seconds or so. Maybe less. Probably less. Which is obviously why it’s a favorite of mine. Don’t brush your hair, just tie a loose low ponytail and then push the tail of your hair underneath and through the elastic. If the sides of your hair are irritating you, you can easily pin them in place underneath the bun. Just don’t forget to keep it loose.
6. Head Band Bun
We all see this style on Pinterest. It’s like a low rolled updo/chigon type style, HOWEVER a hack to make that style substantially easier is to add a hair band. Put the band on your head like a crown, and gather the hair at the back of your head. Tie the end of your hair in a really low ponytail, then flip it up and tuck it into your band. Pin into place if you want extra stability, but generally the band will make sure your hair doesn’t get out of place.
7. Criss Cross Bun
This is another style I frequently sport, because it’s easy and looks really professional. Divide your hair into three parts (one on each side, and a large chunk at the back of your head) and tie the park part into a ponytail. Roll the ponytail into a bun and pin into place. Then, taking one of the parts from the front, pin it across the bun and around. Repeat for the other side and LOOK! A really pretty, and effortless, style. Hairspray the sides and wipe your hand on your head from the front to the back to make it more sleek, and don’t be afraid of adding a couple more bobby pins to the front sections where they wrap around the bun. You don’t want some of that hair falling forward, because it takes forever to get it back into place without pulling apart the style and starting again.
8. Half Bun
I tried the half bun after seeing it on twistmepretty. The tutorial looked easy enough, and guess what? IT WAS! Hallelujah! I love easy hairstyles. All you need to do for this less than one minute style is to gather the hair in a half bun, making sure you have a fair amount of hair sticking out at the tail end. Wrap this end around the elastic and push the tail into the elastic underneath the bun, or bobby pin it underneath to stay in place. Easy. Breezy. Pretty darn cute too.
9. Classy Pony One part sporty, one part class, all parts lazy.
Kind of like the Criss Cross bun, this style requires you to repeat the same steps WITHOUT tying up a bun. Instead, keep that initial ponytail and pin the front parts of your hair over top to conceal the elastic. However, I do recommend a few squirts of hairspray over the pinned area to avoid flyaways.
10. Easy Peasy Curls
I call these ‘easy peasy’ curls because they truly are. Curling your hair can take up way too much valuable Netflix time, so try this instead. Tie your hair up in a ponytail on the top of your head. Split the ponytail into two parts. Take the very hot curlers (you’ll need them HOT to get through all of your hair) and curl one section, holding it in place for a few seconds. Then curl the other section. Take your hair down and voila! Almost instant curls. (I like to flip my hair upside down and pump a few shots of hairspray in there, and then tousle with my hands to get a little extra bounce going.)
11. Side Bun
This style is pretty polished, looks chic and looks like you spent way more time on it than you really did (and let’s be honest, we all kind of want that). Brush your hair to one side and tie in a low ponytail. Back comb to give it some volume, then twist into a bun and pin close to the elastic. Or, make a ponytail on each side and go for that Princess Lea look. Just a little less back combing and more blowing-up-the-Death Star, I suppose.
12. Side Twist
This is an easy, simple trick to just add a little ‘something’ to your down hairstyles. It’s like a way to trick people into thinking you’re not lazy, because they’ll notice this small detail and think, ‘Woah, there’s no way that person pressed their snooze button 12 times this morning.’
Grab a small front section of your hair and gently twist it away from your face. Pull it back to the middle of the side of your head, and bobby pin it. You can either let the hair fall over the pin to conceal it, or instead opt for a more eye catching decorative clip.
13. Bubble Bun
The bubble bun is fun and is one of my favorite hairstyles. It should be called the Bubble Fun Bun. (Or not…whatever) While this style looks a little intimidating to a hair failure, such as myself, it really isn’t, and if you follow the directions carefully it does take less than 5 minutes to complete. Watch this wonderful tutorial on how to achieve this fun-loving look.
14. No Slip Bun
This is one of the tightest hairstyles. As in, there’s no slack in the bun and you don’t have to worry about this coming apart throughout the day. This is a pretty sleek and professional looking do, one that’s perfect for work. Gather your hair into two ponytails at the back of your head. Twist the hair in each ponytail just enough before it starts coiling. Then, spiral the two twisted tails around each other, keeping them against your head. Simply pin into place.
15. Last Resort
And lastly, when all else fails….