Hey! I am in my 3rd year of completing a…
Ever wonder what it’s like to be a student at York University without actually going to York? Or want to laugh about York and it’s craziness? These 10 GIFs will describe the comedy and the struggle of being a York student. GET READY: hold on to your seats.
1. You never know who you’ll meet.
York is a city of its own, somewhat like downtown Toronto, where you will know you will meet all kind of different people.
2. The relationship between your prof and you at the beginning of the term vs the end of the term.
3. To the profs that tell students, you can’t be late to their class.
But I already paid you?
4. Any ideas would be helpful when sitting in class, but sometimes .. or almost always your brain has a fart period.
5. Getting your test back is always an event.
Is it okay that I do not know anything here?
6. This GIF describes the students at York and their craziness of thinking they represent the York Lions but are actually on a fat, white cat.
7. Sometimes, our teams are this good and well other times, you already know.
8. This is what everything feels like at York.
9. Welcome to classes where profs think their opinion is always right .. Well in my opinion, you aren’t right.
10. We have a huge gym that gym “nerds” go crazy for.
There’s nothing quite like what it’s like to be a student at York University!
Featured photo source: yugsa.ca

Hey! I am in my 3rd year of completing a Sociology major and a Marketing minor at YorkU! I am part of the Society19 writers and manage the Facebook Page. I hope my writing and the FB page gives you an insight of the atmosphere at York!