Being in college is a truly one of a kind, indescribable experience – unless in the form of GIFs, obviously. So, here are 10 GIFs that accurately describe what it’s actually like to be a student at Dalhousie University.
Every student who has experienced first year understands how tricky it is to navigate your way through school. It’s a…
Springtime pastas are some of the most delicious. With the beginning of spring, comes some of the most delicate flavours…
There are so many things every Carleton University student asks themselves. Do you find yourself wondering why every Tim Horton’s on…
Ryerson University obviously does not condone partying, because education is too important. However, even if it did, the party scene can't really pick up until…
Did you make some new year’s resolutions this year? Was “getting fit and active” at the top of your list?…
Kylie Jenner's Lip Kits have taken over the makeup world, and no, that's no exaggeration. If you've tried to buy one…