What Exactly Happens During Sorority Recruitment At York University

What Exactly Happens During Sorority Recruitment At York University

Rushing for sororities at York is completely different than rushing for sororities in the states. There’s no formal process of going around to all the houses to introduce yourself for that brief 20 mins and then moving on to the next house.

At York, you attend their recruitment events and get to know the girls more personally on a more casual level. For me personally, the recruitment process was all a blur. I felt very overwhelmed but in a good way. I like that there were so many girls friendly and ready to welcome me with an open mind and open arms. After attending the mandatory amount of events, you attend the interview, there they ask you more about your school life, your personal life, as well as more serious questions (which I actually almost cried because I was so shocked on how the questions went from easy-going to serious). Then, you are invited to something called bid day. There you get your own big and they formally invite you to become a New Member.



Now there is the New Member Period. Which is hell in 8 weeks. You’re required to complete 8 months’ worth of sorority activities in 8 weeks. Personally, it sometimes became an inconvenience because of course, you had school. At times it was just too much for me because it was the first semester of my first year so I had to juggle a new school, new city, and the sorority. This shows how committed you really are to the sorority.

See Also

Then, lastly, there is the initiation. It’s a very sacred moment that you get to experience with your new sisters. So many girls cried because it was such a powerful thing. I can’t spare all the details as each sorority has a different initiation process as well as it is a confidential thing but I am so glad I stuck through with everything because now, I have all these girls who are amazing and unique to their own ability and will always have my back. I really cannot believe I made 30 friends/sisters in such a short amount of time I’ve been at York.


Are you planning on going through sorority recruitment at York University? Comment below!
Featured image source: nytimes.com
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