Crystal is a nursing student at Ryerson University. She enjoys…
So you’ve officially settled into the new school year and are (trying) to work your butt off. Through the sweat and tears, you yearn for anything that might help ease off the stress of university life. Your bank account is almost as empty as your stomach during an 8am psychology lecture, and running through the rain to make it to your next class isn’t exactly your sport. Chances are, you’re missing out on some pretty key tips that all Ryerson students need to know about. Keep reading for 7 essential campus tips for Ryerson University!
1. Know your way around campus – inside and out.
Sure, you can find your way to class, but do you know the best way to get there? There are bunch of indoor shortcuts you can take to shield yourself from the outdoor elements. You can get from one side of campus to the other without having to step outside! The SLC leads you to the second floor of POD, which connects to Kerr Hall and the Rogers Communication Center! This route is more than convenient for those of you who live in residence—especially on those dreaded and brutal winter days. You can also get from the Cineplex theater to Ted Rogers through the subway and mall. Why walk through the busy streets when you can enjoy the comfort of the indoors?
2. Take advantage of free food!
If you don’t already know, there’s a Facebook group that keeps on the lookout for free food on and around campus. Every once in a while, you might also find food trucks or booths on Gould Street giving out free food samples, especially in the beginning of the school year. Whether you forgot to bring a lunch with you or want to limit your budget, look into grabbing some free food right here at school!
For those of you who are actually struggling to make ends meet and would benefit from having external support in meeting your nutritional needs, check out Ryerson’s Good Food Centre.
3. Use a planner.
You may or may not be a fan of our Drake-covered Ryerson University planner, but that doesn’t mean you have to avoid planning entirely! You can use your own agenda, the calendar and reminder apps on your phone, or a simple notepad and pen. The important thing is that you write down all your hectic responsibilities and significant dates so that you free your mind and don’t forget anything important. It doesn’t matter if you carry out 100% of your plans or just 10%—just the act of planning encourages you to be more productive since it organizes your thoughts.
4. Buy and sell used textbooks.
You might find that the campus bookstore sells textbooks for absurdly unaffordable prices for students. The textbook bundles have you paying ridiculous prices for books that you may not end up using. Amazon has great prices if you’re looking for both new and old textbooks. With an Amazon Student subscription (there’s a 6-month trial if you use your school email!), you can even get 10% off your textbook purchase in addition to free shipping. If you don’t mind having to hunt around a bit, you should definitely check out the Facebook group, Bookro, and retailers like BMV. When you finish using the textbooks, you can always sell it to another person who needs it.
5. Make good use of campus resources.
There are so many resources at school that often go overlooked, ranging from health services to essay writing help. If you are opted-in to the school health and dental plan, you should look into getting the most out of it! To start off, you can get up to 80% coverage for your prescription drugs. Its one of the most cost effective campus tips for Ryerson University. If you’re struggling with balancing your major and minor or switching into a different program, speak to an academic advisor. Perhaps you’re looking for a tutor or you’re feeling stressed. Whatever it is that you need, you can probably find someone to help you at Ryerson!
6. Seize every opportunity to get involved.
University isn’t just about academics. It’s about getting to know yourself and developing your interests. There are so many clubs, sport teams, and volunteer opportunities in Ryerson and the surrounding downtown area. The importance of getting involved cannot ever be stressed enough! It develops you as a person, allows you to meet new people, and creates a good balance between your academic and non-academic life. Being told how to get involved was one of the best campus tips for Ryerson University when I first got here. Keep an open mind—there’s bound to be something for you!
7. Extend your friendships beyond the classroom.
You meet a ton of new people in university. You become closer with the people that are in your classes. It may be hard for those of you who have to commute long hours between home and school, but you should definitely take the chance to make plans with your school friends to hang out outside of class. A big mistake that frosh often make is sticking to their high school crowd of friends and not branching out! By strengthening your relationships with the people you meet at Ryerson, you build friendships that will last a lifetime.
What are your favorite campus tips for Ryerson University? Feel free to comment below and share the article!
Featured photo source: and favim.com

Crystal is a nursing student at Ryerson University. She enjoys singing, watching tv shows, and going on long walks. In her spare time, you can find her blogging or studying a foreign language. Most importantly, Crystal is fueled by chicken nuggets and bubble tea.