College Life

How To Manage Budget Eating At School

Long hours at school lead to inevitable hunger. With so many options surrounding us, especially…

What Exactly Happens During Sorority Recruitment At York University
What Exactly Happens During Sorority Recruitment At York University

Rushing for sororities at York is completely different than rushing for sororities in the states.…

After a summer off, it's hard to get back into the swing of things when classes start back up. Here are 10 tips for your back to school routine!
10 Tips For Getting Into Your Back To School Routine

If you’re like most freshman at this time of the year, you’ve got your bag…

6 Cafes To Study At In Toronto

Studying in a library can be a drag. It’s usually grey, you’re surrounding by books…

10 GIFs That Accurately Describe What It’s Like To Be A Student At Ryerson University

Ryerson University is know for many things. Located in the heart of downtown Toronto its…

10 Reasons Why Being A Journalism Major Sucks
10 Reasons Why Being A Journalism Major Sucks

Everyone goes through hard times in University weather that be navigating the social scene or…

15 Mistakes You’re Allowed To Make Your First Year Of University

The first year of post-secondary school is an exciting yet intimidating and nerve-wracking time. After all…

No matter who you are, you know how things work around campus. Here's GIFs that show what being a student at University of Western Ontario is really like.
10 GIFs That Accurately Describe What Its Actually Like To Be A Student At University of Western Ontario

Western students, no matter who you are, you definitely know how things work around campus.…

9 Things To Do In Toronto This September

Do you love festivals? Are you interested in experiencing the unique events that are happening…