College Life

This slightly comedic article serves as an itemized list of downsides to being a Communications major in environments where this major can considered less than ideal.
10 Reasons Why Being A Communications Major Sucks

Not every major is a lavish affair. Every college student takes a moment to reflect…

50 Life Saving Tips For Freshmen At The University Of British Columbia
10 Struggles Of Studying In The 6ix

Going to college is said to be the best time of your life (well, supposed…

We've all been there. Here is a list of things to be on the lookout for, which may potentially mean that the guy you're talking to is, indeed, a fuck boy.
How To Know If The Guy You’re Talking To Is ACTUALLY A Fuck Boy

Face it. We’ve all been there. A cute guy starts talking to you and you…

It seems as though more often than not, girls find out that their boyfriend is actually not what they expected. Here are 10 signs you're dating a fuck boy.
10 Signs You’re Dating A Fuck Boy

It seems as though more often than not, girls find out that their boyfriend is…

A set of iron-clad study tips for all the students in college crafted by the finest experts we could find at the give moment.
10 Study Tips For All Students Struggling With Midterms

While we’re all settling into the routines of school life for the next few weeks,…

9 People You’ll Always Run Into At University Of Toronto

The University of Toronto is a big hub of diversity, with people from all over…

Working out is hard when you're in college. Sometimes you just don't feel like going to the gym. So, here are 15 exercises you can do in a small dorm room.
15 Exercises You Can Do In A Small Dorm Room

Working out is hard when you’re in college. Sometimes you just don’t feel like going…

15 Minute Healthy Recipes You Need To Try

I love food but I swear it takes me 5 hours to make a dish…

These motivational quotes will make you start looking at life differently and inspire you to study because there is no better time than now. You can do it!
20 Motivational Quotes To Get You Through Exam Season

Are exams overpowering your social life? Or making you nervous about your future? These motivational…

10 Things You Will Never Hear A Student Say At Dalhousie University
10 Things You Will Never Hear A Student Say At Dalhousie University

Below is a list of things you will never hear at Dalhousie University from any student!…