College Life

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To The University Of Toronto
5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To The University Of Toronto

Making decisions can be really hard, especially when it comes to your future. When you…

I Signed Up For Comedy School And This Is What Happened
I Signed Up For Comedy School And This Is What Happened

So you’ve decided you want to study comedy. What’s next? I was halfway through a…

Depression is first and foremost an illness, not a state of mind. So here are some things I wish my loved ones knew about my battle with depression.
10 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Parents About My Battle With Depression

I want to start this article by telling you, the reader, a little bit about…

Some things are inevitable in college. Specifically, here are ten things that will happen to you at University of Waterloo - 100 percent. So, get ready.
10 Things That Will 100 Percent Happen To You At University of Waterloo

Some things are inevitable in college. Specifically, here are ten things that will happen to…

Your dorm room is the place you will spend most of your time in while at university. Here are 10 ideas to have in your dorm that will help you relax and de-stress when school gets tough!
10 Things To Have In Your Dorm Room To Help You Relax

As much fun as it is, living away from home can sometimes get both stressful…

There's nothing better than having a best friend to travel with, even when you're both broke. Here are 5 affordable trips with your BFF that you can go on.
5 Fun And Affordable Trips To Go On With Your BFF

There is honestly nothing better than having a best friend you can travel with, not…

With endless filters and an excuse to share your life at any moment of the day, here are things every girl doesn't want to admit that she does on Snapchat.
10 Things Every Girl Doesnt Want To Admit That She Does On Snapchat

Snapchat has become a very popular app over the past few years. With endless filters…

Did you know that there are many types of university parties? We've put the ultimate guide together so you know what to expect for your next party at uni!
10 Types Of University Parties And What To Expect From Each

From one university student to the other, there are a few honest truths to lay…