College Life

10 Things You Only Understand If You Go To UWindsor
10 Things You Only Understand If You Go To UWindsor

“University of Windsor? That’s by Detroit right, isn’t it really dangerous there?” We’ve all heard…

One field in particular that I decided upon studying is Computer Science. This field is innovative and challenging, but let me share what it is actually like being a girl who studies Computer Science.
What It’s Like being A Girl Who Studies Computer Science

“What do you want to be when you’re older?” is a question that is asked…

What It Was Like To Be A Soph At Western University

At Western University, a Soph is a student who helps facilitate Orientation Week activities and…

From the strict rules (that we broke) to the amazing friendships we created, these are the 20 signs you went to a Canadian boarding school!
20 Signs You Went To Canadian Boarding School

Anyone who has ever spoken to me for longer than about three and a half…

Living a good life in the city doesn’t have to be expensive! If you're a broke student in the 6ix here's what you need to know to keep money in your pocket.
10 Things Every Broke Student In The 6ix Needs to Know

Okay mans listen up! Living a good life in the city doesn’t have to be…

10 Things You Should Literally Never Do At Carleton
10 Things You Should Literally Never Do At Carleton

Ah, Carleton University, the home of the Ravens and the arguably the best basketball team…

Interviews With Artists In The GTA

It comes as no shock that the GTA is riddled with talented artists who have…

Consider your dorm room your new home away from home. Here is some inspiration from dorms at University of Toronto to make your dorm cute and cozy!
20 Ways To Decorate Your Dorm At University Of Toronto

Moving to a new city is already challenging enough; you do not have time to…

The Perfect Electives To Boost Your Crumbling GPA
The Perfect Electives To Boost Your Crumbling GPA

Suddenly staying up all night, in order to binge watch Netflix until your eyes bleed, doesn’t…