
These healthy post-workout smoothie recipes are perfect for refueling and energizing your body after a long workout and have many benefits!

10 Healthy Post-Workout Smoothie Recipes

Post-workout smoothies are natural, sweet and delicious. A good post-workout smoothie helps replenish muscle “fuel”,…

Sometimes school can get pretty boring, so you need to do something fun. Here are things to do around University of Western Ontario when you're bored AF.

15 Things To Do Around University of Western Ontario When Youre Bored AF

Sometimes school can get pretty boring, so you need to do something fun. Here are…

We've all been there. Here is a list of things to be on the lookout for, which may potentially mean that the guy you're talking to is, indeed, a fuck boy.

How To Know If The Guy You’re Talking To Is ACTUALLY A Fuck Boy

Face it. We’ve all been there. A cute guy starts talking to you and you…

15 Minute Healthy Recipes You Need To Try

I love food but I swear it takes me 5 hours to make a dish…

Student instagrammers from University of Western Ontario that you need to follow right away! They have the most interesting and amazing photos to check out!

10 Student Instagrammers From University of Western Ontario You Need To Follow

Let’s be honest, Instagram is the number one way we all procrastinate these days. During…

No matter who you are, you know how things work around campus. Here's GIFs that show what being a student at University of Western Ontario is really like.

10 GIFs That Accurately Describe What Its Actually Like To Be A Student At University of Western Ontario

Western students, no matter who you are, you definitely know how things work around campus.…

With a little effort, we can enjoy healthy alternatives to junk foods without the guilt that comes along with finishing a quart of ice cream in one sitting.

20 Healthy Alternatives To 20 Irresistable Junk Foods

Look, I love ice cream alright? As healthy as we may be, we all have…

Are you having a hard time eating healthy on a tight budget? We've put together some of the cheapest options to stay healthy when grocery shopping.

10 Hacks For Eating Healthy On A Tight Budget

Scared of that freshman 15 sneaking up on you? University can be stressful and sometimes…

College life can get boring sometimes, especially when you're broke. So, here is a list of free things to do around University of Western Ontario.

10 Free Things To Do Around University of Western Ontario

College life can get boring sometimes, especially when you’re broke. So, here is a list…

There are plenty of reasons why it's cool not to drink. Who wants to deal with hangovers? Imagine all of the money you'll save by not drinking!

10 Reasons Why It’s Cool Not To Drink

Drinking is one of the most popular activities in our society, so much that it…