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10 Canadian Things That Every International Student At U of T Needs To Do

10 Canadian Things That Every International Student At U of T Needs To Do

You probably haven’t really experienced what it means to be Canadian. Here are Canadian things international students at University of Toronto need to do.

You’ve probably lived in Toronto for a few months, yet haven’t really experienced what it means to be Canadian, except for adding a few extra ‘eh’s?’ at the end of your sentences. It’s time for you to get out there, and start to explore the wonderfully crazy notion of what it means to be Canadian! Here are 10 Canadian things international students at University of Toronto need to do:

1. Have a ShotSki at El Furniture Warehouse!

Maybe the shot itself isn’t reserved solely as a ‘Canadian thing’, but I doubt there are many places around the world that you can take a shot off of a ski. You almost feel like you’re becoming more cultured as you drink. Maybe you could even get away with calling it a sport…

2. Support Canada’s only baseball team at a Jay’s Game!

Whether or not you understand the rules and strategy of baseball, taking a trip to the Rogers Center to watch a Toronto Blue Jay’s game is a must. If not for the game, go for the delicious hot dogs, the cute baseball players and the Instagram-worthy pictures of you sporting a Jay’s cap.


3. See how long you can ride a bull at Rock ‘N’ Horse!

Get yourself some boots and a cowboy hat, and you’ll fit right in at the Rock ‘N’ Horse. Canadians love their country, and you wont be able to resist dancing along to the likes of Luke Bryan or Shania Twain. While you’re there, get on the mechanical bull (it’s free), and see if you can really prove how Canadian you’ve become by holding on for more than 10 seconds… or just try to get on at all.


4. Visit the C.N Tower!

You’ve probably taken photos of it from St George Street or from Robarts when you should have been studying, but why not actually go see it? This one might seem fairly obvious, but don’t do it because it is one of Toronto’s most iconic landmarks- do it because it’s where Drake sat and admired his city. Who knows, maybe you’ll be inspired…


5. Jam along to Drake at OVO Fest!

While we’re on the topic of Drake, you should definitely consider going to his music festival. Every year, there are appearances from the greatest artists, and this year is no exception. If you can’t afford the festival ticket, at least buy some OVO swag to sport while walking around Toronto – you’ll fit right it.

6. Eat a Poutine!

I’ll be shocked, if as a University student, you haven’t had a poutine at 2am after a night out… but if you haven’t- GO! After your next wild evening in the Annex (it will taste even better after a few drinks) walk over to Smoke’s Poutinerie and order yourself one to satisfy your hunger- on weekends it’s open until 4am!

7. Purchase something from Peace Collective!

You’ve probably seen the ‘Toronto VS Everybody’ sweaters and t-shirts at some point during your time on UofT Campus, and if you truly want to be Canadian, you should consider investing in one. They’re comfortable, practical, and make you look really cool. You can find them in a few big stores in Toronto, or you can order your gear online. Let everyone know you’re proud to be here!



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8. Test your skills at being a lumberjack!

Yes, there is in fact somewhere you can go to learn how to throw axes… for fun. It is completely safe, and a really fun alternative to your average Saturday night activity. Instead of getting bar service at one of Toronto’s many nightclubs, why not book your next birthday party at Batlgrounds?  It’s definitely something you and your friends would remember!



9. Scream your lungs out at Canada’s Wonderland!

An hour long drive is nothing when you consider people come from all over the country to go to this incredible amusement park. Not only can you try over 200 rides, but you can also splash around in the waterpark. Consider checking it out on July 1st, Canada Day, for an incredible firework show.

10. Just love life!

There’s a reason that Canadians have been stereotyped as being so nice and friendly… we are! How could you not be when you live in such a beautiful country? And you get to call this place home now, at least for a few years while you navigate your way through your undergrad. Enjoy every moment of it, and all that it has to offer.

What are some other things international students at University of Toronto need to do? Comment below!
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