10 Easy Courses At York University

Bird courses also known as easy courses are different for everyone. I took a few courses that were suppose to be easy but were actually difficult. However, from my experiences as a student at YorkU, these are the ACTUAL bird courses. Please note that all mid-terms and exams depend on the professors but should be similar to this overall outline. Keep reading for 10 easy courses at York University!

1. ADMS 1000-Introduction to Administrative Studies

This is a 3-credit course that doesn’t require attendance. It an introductory course to business that is mandatory for many future courses in the higher levels. This course contains organizational and managerial theories and responses. The mid-term of multiple choice and exams consist of short answers. There is memorizing but the exams are very straightforward.

2. PHIL 1100-The Meaning of Life

Also, a 3-credit course that doesn’t require lecture attendance as some professors put their power-points on Moodle. However, this course has a tutorial and those are usually 10% of your mark, which includes attendance and participation. It has one mid-term and a few papers about concepts presented in the lecture or personal opinion. An interesting class, with a few different approaches that could be found worth the effort.


3. NATS 1880-Life Beyond Earth

This is a 6.00-credit course that I took as a NATS (natural science) for the general education requirement. This course has online quizzes that are from the textbooks and some questions could be found online. The exams were straight-forward but you do need to study prior. It is a 6-credit course and will require some effort and participation to get a decent/above average mark. It is about space, the stars and the history of where we are today and how we got here.

4. NATS 1745-History of Astronomy

A 6-credit course, that is mostly taught by a well-liked Professor, Robin Metcalfe. Similarly to Life Beyond Earth, it is an approved NATS general education classes. It does not have any essays, just online quizzes, in-class assignments and the mid-term and exams consisted of multiple-choice questions. Also about astronomy and space, if that is not in your curiosity, do not take it.

5. NATS 1910- Food, Science, & Technology

Also, a 6-credit course that is part of the approved NATS general education list. It is about food and how it is made based on science and technology. Some topics include genetics, farming fishing and food production. I heard this is a little harder than the two previous NATS courses but also doable if the other two are full, which they will be. However, if you are more of a person who likes food and want to know where it comes from instead of learning about space, this is defiantly recommended for you.

6. SOCI 1010-Introdution to Sociology

Also, a 6-credit course that required memorization and effort. It is a WRITIGN course, if you do not like this, than do not take it. Some professors look at participation, while others do not. It focuses on society and the different organizations, institutions and group of people that could influence our society. I believe some classes has tutorials, but there are sections without. The exams are different, but in my experience I had a mix and match, multiple choice for my mid-term and my final exam consisted of short-answers and a short essay. We also had a major group project/presentation that consisted of ethnography.


See Also

7. PSYCH 1010- Introduction to Psychology

This is a 6-credit course that some people say to take with Professor Jubis. This class is about an individual’s perspective of themselves and their role in society. Similarly to sociology, there are classes with tutorials and some are without. There is A LOT of reading and some students suggest reading twice. However, if you are good at memorizing, the course consists of 4 multiple-choice tests that are not accumulative. It is also a prerequisite of every other psychology classes.

8. THEA 1520-Acting for Non-Majors

This is a 3-credit course that is offered within the theater section. I have never took it but heard it was easy from some of my friends. It is based on memorization, as the final-exam you have to do a skit and memorize your lines. So, it is time consuming and participation in the class is required but with some effort it is an easy mark. There is also a writing component to is such as writing journals.

9. FILM 1701-Hollywood: Old and New

A 3-credit course that IS time consuming but is not difficult. Could be taken online or in class. There would be regular lectures, or online modules, as well as finding time to watch the movies. There is a final comparison essay about two movies that you need to find themes and incorporate the terms learned in class. If you enjoy movies and don’t mind writing, this is defiantly a class for you!

10. SOWK 2025- Eating Disorders: The Political, Social and Psychological Issues

It is a 3-credit course that I have taken online. It requires a lot of writing but is easy and interesting to study. There are three main projects that are worth 30%, 30% and 40%. The first one is about eating disorders and media and how it is portrayed. The second is on online test that you have three days to do and could reference the slides. The third one is a 10-page essay that you pick a topic on. The assignments weight a lot but there are only 3 due dates in the whole semester, which could be stress revealing and allowing you to focus on other courses.

What are your favorite easy courses at York University? Comment below and share the article!
Featured photo source: eclipse.independenttraveller.com
Mihal Kasich

Hey! I am in my 3rd year of completing a Sociology major and a Marketing minor at YorkU! I am part of the Society19 writers and manage the Facebook Page. I hope my writing and the FB page gives you an insight of the atmosphere at York!

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