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The 10 Best Single Valentines Day Activities For Single College Girls

The 10 Best Single Valentines Day Activities For Single College Girls


Valentines Day (def’n): a phenomenon of grand romantic gestures and overpriced chocolates, the reason why so many babies are born in November, and a notoriously hated day for young single girls. However, we single college girls have the opportunity to reclaim this often dreaded day as a day of self-love. Because let’s be honest, no one can love you better than you can love yourself. Here are 10 of the best single valentines day ideas if you’re as single as I have been my entire life (and by that I mean very, very single):

1. Netflix marathon

What’s a typical single’s V-Day without a Netflix binge? Put on all the best rom-coms and sob-fests you can think of, or watch terrible reality TV, and make sure to pair this with some sweatpants and ice cream. There’s just no losing with this one.

2. Or, alternatively, get outside and explore the beautiful nature in your city!

Instead of intensifying the sofa crease in your couch, you could choose a more, well, admirable, option, and actually go outside. Turns out, when you go outside, there are nice things to see! Whatd’ya know! And hey, you can take some adorable pictures for your insta, go biking, go exploring a park or conservatory, or anything you want.


3. Self-care day!

This is a must. Have a day or even a couple of hours to yourself to take a nice ass bath, put some weird hair mask on, exfoliate, and basically make yourself into a glowing mermaid with skin so soft it feels like butter. Doesn’t that sound like the best thing ever? That’s because it is. (Just trust me on this one.) PS: as a pro-tip, self-care doesn’t just have to be slapping on some good moisturizer, it can also be doing anything that makes you feel like a goddess (see: glowing mermaid description).

4. Have a Galentines party

 In other words, gather together your single gal pals and celebrate the fact that y’all are single as fuck. Because it doesn’t have to be a pity party! Bonus points if you make it a slumber party or exchange gifts in a secret valentines thingie (like secret santa, but not santa? yeah, you get it). 

5. Spend the day volunteering

This can be soooo rewarding. Seriously, to spend this kind of day helping other people will make you and other people happy. It’s the day of love, after all! Love yourself, love other people, love your community, and then love yourself again.


6. Spend it with your family

 Love your family more! We all should take the time to love our family more. So, take the time. On Valentines Day. And tell them you love them, for god’s sake, you lazy sack of turnips! Your family raised your crazy ass, they deserve to hear a little praise, don’t you think?

7. Make cards or treats for family + friends

 Ah, see, this one you don’t actually have to spend the day with your loved ones, but instead, you can use the excuse of doing things for them. Oh come on, it’s so cute! Hand-making adorable cards or baking a cake or heck, even going out and buying gifts for your loved ones is a fair way to spend the day.

See Also


8. Treat yo self shopping

Don’t spend the day – spend money! Go to the mall and buy whatever you want, just ’cause, or online shop because you really are that lazy. Use the excuse that it’s Valentines Day to buy yourself stuff you, okay, don’t need, but you really really want and oh my god it’s so cute please can you just buy this just this once?! Yes. The answer is yes, yes you can.

9. Drunk-anything with your friends

Drunk karaoke, drunk Mario Kart, drunk board games, drunk watching paint dry – drunk. anything.

10. Do whatever you want!

 Whatever floats your boat. Write, paint, gym, sleep, eat – spend your day however you want to. It’s not that deep. It’s just another day, apart from the fact that you know chocolates are gonna be on sale tomorrow. Kinda like the day after Halloween, but more lonely. 🙂


Let us know what you think about best single valentines day ideas in the comments below!
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